Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
@Rhakim Kaiser Health news did a public records request for Kings County, Washington

Let's restate the important dates before we look into this:
- 1/19 the virus is discovered in Washington
- 1/23 Wuhan is put under quarantine
- 1/30 WHO labels covid a pandemic and by this time China has already publicly stated that they have shortages of PPE

‘Red Dawn Breaking Bad’: Officials Warned About Safety Gear Shortfall Early On, Emails Show
“We should plan assuming we won’t have enough PPE — so need to change the battlefield and how we envision or even define the front lines,” Dr. Carter Mecher, a physician and senior medical adviser at the Department of Veterans Affairs, wrote on Feb. 25.

“The demand is rising and there is no guarantee that we can continue with the supply since the supply-chain has been disrupted,” Eva Lee, director of the Center for Operations Research in Medicine and HealthCare at Georgia Tech and a former health scientist at the Atlanta VA Medical Center, wrote that same day citing shortages of personal protective equipment and medical supplies. “I do not know if we have enough resources to protect all frontline providers.”

“We are having a very serious challenge related to hospital exposures and impact on the health care system,” Dr. Jeff Duchin, the public health officer for Seattle and King County, wrote in a different email to CDC officials March 1.

“I suspect that we will not be able to follow current CDC [recommendations] for exposed HCWs [health care workers] either,” wrote Dr. John Lynch, medical director of employee health for Harborview Medical Center and associate professor of Medicine and Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the University of Washington. “As you migh [sic] imagine, I am very concerned about the hospitals at this point.”

a lot of folks are going to get to keep their job by just blaming shyt on Trump


Dec 28, 2016
A second wave?! :sadcam::merchant:

Yup a number of countries had a second wave, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia I believe as well. Philippine's second wave is nasty though they are having serious problems cause it has gone from imported to domestic transmission.

The article title is leading though. The second wave isn't domestic transmission it's imported cases. Very different. If it was domestic transmitted cases it would be very worrying. But imported meaning countries hit hard are bringing them in. All those countries with a second wave shut the doors to the country so it will go back down.


Packers Stockholder
Aug 17, 2013

Snippet, but while New York is important, Media needs to really hammer down on the South as well.

The world is about to find out. So far, about one in 10 deaths in the United States from COVID-19 has occurred in the four-state arc of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, according to data assembled by the COVID Tracking Project, a volunteer collaboration incubated at The Atlantic. New Orleans is on pace to become the next global epicenter of the pandemic. The virus has a foothold in southwestern Georgia, and threatens to overwhelm hospitals in the Atlanta metropolitan area. The coronavirus is advancing quickly across the American South. And in the American South, significant numbers of younger people are battling health conditions that make coronavirus outbreaks more perilous.

The numbers emerging seem to indicate that more young people in the South are dying from COVID-19. Although the majority of coronavirus-related deaths in Louisiana are still among victims over 70 years old, 43 percent of all reported deaths have been people under 70. In Georgia, people under 70 make up 49 percent of reported deaths. By comparison, people under 70 account for only 20 percent of deaths in Colorado. “Under 70” is a broad category, not really useful for understanding what’s going on. But digging deeper reveals more concerning numbers. In Louisiana, people from the ages of 40 to 59 account for 22 percent of all deaths. The same age range in Georgia accounts for 17 percent of all deaths. By comparison, the same age group accounts for only about 10 percent of all deaths in Colorado, and 6 percent of all deaths in Washington State. These statistics suggest that middle-aged and working-age adults in the two southern states are at much greater risk than their counterparts elsewhere; for some reason, they are more likely to die from COVID-19.