Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The hero we deserve:

Astrophysicist gets magnets stuck up nose while inventing coronavirus device

Reardon said he placed two magnets inside his nostrils, and two on the outside. When he removed the magnets from the outside of his nose, the two inside stuck together. Unfortunately, the researcher then attempted to use his remaining magnets to remove them.

“At this point, my partner who works at a hospital was laughing at me,” he said. “I was trying to pull them out but there is a ridge at the bottom of my nose you can’t get past.

“After struggling for 20 minutes, I decided to Google the problem and found an article about an 11-year-old boy who had the same problem. The solution in that was more magnets. To put on the outside to offset the pull from the ones inside.

“As I was pulling downwards to try and remove the magnets, they clipped on to each other and I lost my grip. And those two magnets ended up in my left nostril while the other one was in my right. At this point I ran out of magnets.”

Before attending the hospital, Reardon attempted to use pliers to pull them out, but they became magnetised by the magnets inside his nose.
“Every time I brought the pliers close to my nose, my entire nose would shift towards the pliers and then the pliers would stick to the magnet,” he said. “It was a little bit painful at this point.

“My partner took me to the hospital that she works in because she wanted all her colleagues to laugh at me.”


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
I sent an email but quick research makes it hard to see what would be expected of Inslee in January/February.

One person caught COVID-19 in Wuhan, flew into the USA without symptoms, and was diagnosed in Washington on January 19th. He was held in the hospital for two weeks for treatment (with no apparent transfer to hospital staff) and after recovering was then sent home to isolate. There was a full month between his case and the 2nd case, which occurred in a different county. A week after the 2nd case, when the first death occurred on Feb. 29th, Gov. Inslee immediately declared a state of emergency.

I would think that Inslee's actions over the next month in March would be relevant. But until then, seeing as he's not an expert on infectious disease and COVID-19 was brand new and little understood (it wasn't even named until Feb. 11th), wouldn't Washington simply have been following the direction of the CDC and wouldn't those directions have been carried out by the hospital involved according to the department of health? It would make little sense for Inslee to insert himself in there and make a practical decision at odds with their suggestion, so unless he did that what more would there be to say?

This was her answer via email:

"I’ve never dealt with a pandemic, of course, but I’ve been pretty happy with what he has done so far. I guess we’ll see in the years to come what they say about the federal and state responses. What’s been super frustrating is that people tend to ignore the orders. Seems like they either don’t understand or feel like their “liberties” are being violated. I spend a lot of my day at work explaining to patients why it’s so important to pay attention to these orders. It’s also frustrating because the skeptical people either are going to ignore it, so the social distancing orders aren’t going to make a difference, or the social distancing is going to work and then the pandemic isn’t going to be as bad and they’re going to say it wasn’t necessary and caused too much economic harm...I’ll take the latter."

As I tend to say in many of our discussions, there is a local/state response and there is a federal response. Voters need to understand both or else they'll just end up blaming the guy on tv all the time.

Patient 0 self-reported. That's an extremely important point.
On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

On 1/20 there were 3 separate organizations aware of the virus in the US and it's mode of transmission. So two questions need to be asked:
1) When did Inslee find out
2) What was Inslee's course of action over the next 48hrs
Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.

On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.

It's important to overlap any actions with developments in China and SK. Like we said, SK experienced their first case the same day that Washington state did. South Korea's first drive thru testing center opened up 2/26. Inslee didn't declare a state of emergency until 2/29 ( Coronavirus (final).pdf). The day that Inslee declared an SOE, South Korea had 400+ cases compared to 66 in the US. (South Korea: COVID-19 daily new cases 2020 | Statista)

:hubie: this isn't a harsh judgement because he was dealt a bad hand. HOWEVER, on 1/31 HHS declared this a public health emergency.

Let's remember everything completely spiraled out of control. The first death in China happened on 1/11. On 1/23 the first quarantine takes place in Wuhan. Then on 1/30 WHO declared it a global emergency.

Before we start applauding everyone who isn't Trump, each governor should be judged based on the exact actions they took publicly and behind the scenes from 1/20 through 1/27 til the day they declared a public health emergency. As we see with Governor DeSantis and Governor Stitt people are complete douche jackets.

As I posted before, there was a global shortage on PPE back in January. Did Inslee know because he attempted to make orders? No? Did he attempt to make orders? We should do more questioning because this failure is much more than just Trump.

Tl:dr - Every Governor had since 1/30 to assess the situation and take action. They should be graded against each other based on how quickly they took action and how well they coordinated with other government officials. Louisiana's governor didn't declare a state of emergency until 3/11, which was 2 weeks after Inslee. Now they're about to get hit with the second wave, but I'm sure people are going to say Edwards did a good job anyway.


Packers Stockholder
Aug 17, 2013
Trump got no posture. And Pence is losing his cool too. His administration now reminds me of the last 30 minutes of a Scorcese flick.

Couldn't have happen to a better man.

Mike Pence once ratted out his fraternity brothers for having a keg

Vice President Mike Pence reportedly snitched on his Phi Gamma Delta fraternity brothers for having a keg at a party on his college's dry campus and got his entire house in trouble.

Pence, then a sophomore at Hanover College, alerted the dean that his brothers were violating the small Presbyterian school's strict no-alcohol policy, his former fraternity brother Dan Murphy told The Atlantic in a profile published on Tuesday.

At the time of the incident, the fraternity was reportedly having wild parties re-creating its favorite scenes from Animal House, which had recently been released. Pence "was not a particularly hard partier" but oversaw his brothers' complicated plans to sneak alcohol into the house and was in charge of ironing out any issues with adults if things went wrong.

During one rowdy bash, the brothers found out a dean was coming to the house and tried to hide evidence of their illicit activities, according to the article.

The future vice president greeted the dean at the door and proceeded to direct him straight to the kegs, telling the official they belonged to Phi Gamma Delta, his former brother said.

This was a major departure from the fraternity's usual practice: Whoever answered the door took the blame for the booze so the whole house wasn't formally disciplined, according to Murphy. But after Pence allegedly snitched, the entire fraternity was handed a harsh punishment.

"They really raked us over the coals. The whole house was locked down," Murphy told the magazine.

Pence's brothers were furious with him, but he maintained a good relationship with the administration. In fact, he was so beloved by school officials that Hanover offered him a job after he graduated, according to The Atlantic.

While Pence is not Trump obviously. It's so refreshing this snitches legacy is now forever tied to Trump. :mjlol:
I bet Pence thought he would get the seat because Trump would step down, thinking he wouldn't really want to run things because this was all a plan to start up TrumpTV. Instead he is resigned to being a cac b*stard whose entire lifetime of snitching, gross incompetence that he got away as Governor, is now forever linked to Trump; a sociopath who is the Worst President in this country (as he will be ranked by scholars in 30-40 years).