Media gonna media.
They're salivating uncontrollably at the thought of nonstop fear porn keeping people glued to their daily death counters all winter.
AND they get to associate it with Africa?
They are already ignoring the same doctors/experts who discovered the variant.
South Africans:

guys, yes it's new but let's not get ahead of ours.....
Media boss: Shut the fuk up we'll take it from here! This is the MoST DANGEROUS VARIANT YET!!!! 4000% increase in spike proteins!! Did you hear me? SPIKE PROTEINS. Do you like spikes? You wanna be spiked? Since you think spikes are soooo safe, how about I stab you with one...
South Africans: Uhhh, that's not exactly how this works.
Media boss: Are you denying that you're from AFRICA?? Everyone knows Africa is are African right?
South Africans: Yes
Media boss: EXACTLY, glad you agree. BYE! *hangs up*
Media boss: OK Jessy, get graphics and social media on this asap. Delta is out. I need new graphics ASAP. No more red/blue. New virus color is BLACK. But way more SPIKEY.
Jessy from Marketing: Got it. What do you think about changing the spike color? We could do RED and GREEN. An homage to the variants AFRICAN roots
Media boss: You. Are. A. fukking. Genius.
Jessy from Marketing: Learned from the best!
Jessy/Media Boss (simultaneously): AIR FIVE!!

Editorial John : Remember we're still working on the 2021 retrospective piece, how many paragraphs on Delta?
Media boss: Delta? WTF do the airlines have to do with covid?
Editorial John: Roger.