Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic


Packers Stockholder
Aug 17, 2013

I saw this on another Tweet. While I am sure the whole world is laughing at us, and rightfully so, they should also be wise about this shyt. Just because you have Antibodies now, doesn't mean you can't get it a second time. When this thread was ramping up in April, there was that one story of a Woman in China who got it twice; but no one knew if was the old strain vs. mutated strain theory.

Now if this is true even more, than means the whole world needs to be shut down and find a vaccine. Sure it's cool to mock us for Trump, but we also are dealing with a virus that has...
  • Adapted to Climate Change and can survive in Hotter Weather.
  • Is a Knuckleball of a Virus; you can either not feel anything, or it fukks with your blood and causes tons of shyt that either kills you or cripples you with long term damage.
  • AND now, the theory of Herd Immunity is moot, because it doesn't care about Antibodies.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I went to a party yesterday, not necessarily in my old neighborhood, but essentially where I come from/how I grew up. I was hesitant to go, it's for my friends daughter, and I know he appreciates it, anyway, I already knew there would be no social distancing or masks, and it was outside, but it was probably as bad as I imagined. I knew people would be offended if I didn't shake, or hug, a few rushed to embrace me before I had a chance. I just washed my hands a lot, stood away a lot, and tried to keep 6 ft distance.

I was kind of surprised at the depth of skepticism everyone seemed to have, almost that they knew it was real, but were defying it. Almost all blue collar laborers, who knew people who had it, died from it, or had seen outbreaks at, or connected to their work. I'm basically the only one who lives like a yuppie, place downtown, doesn't really work, it still shocks me the divide on thinking.

People use such absolute black/white thinking, it shocks me, I am not really afraid that I will die from a transmission, but is that something I need in my life? a 14 day quarantine, dread of testing and paranoia?
I'd rather have them be offended and me not get sick than get sick and have them not be offended. You shouldn't let fools pressure you into adopting their foolish behavior.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
I went to a party yesterday, not necessarily in my old neighborhood, but essentially where I come from/how I grew up. I was hesitant to go, it's for my friends daughter, and I know he appreciates it, anyway, I already knew there would be no social distancing or masks, and it was outside, but it was probably as bad as I imagined. I knew people would be offended if I didn't shake, or hug, a few rushed to embrace me before I had a chance. I just washed my hands a lot, stood away a lot, and tried to keep 6 ft distance.

I was kind of surprised at the depth of skepticism everyone seemed to have, almost that they knew it was real, but were defying it. Almost all blue collar laborers, who knew people who had it, died from it, or had seen outbreaks at, or connected to their work. I'm basically the only one who lives like a yuppie, place downtown, doesn't really work, it still shocks me the divide on thinking.

People use such absolute black/white thinking, it shocks me, I am not really afraid that I will die from a transmission, but is that something I need in my life? a 14 day quarantine, dread of testing and paranoia?
But you went? :francis: