Some more backstory before I got the 'rona.
A week before I got tested. There was an incident that led to me and all of my co-workers getting tested. I work for a state government agency. A department right next to where I work had a outbreak as one of the workers there had gotten the virus and therefore 12 out of 20 people in that department tested positive.
We're cool with those guys and even have lunch together a lot. The guy who was the 'host' is a supervisor and one the most nicest guy I've ever met and always daps everyone up whilst trying to converse for couple minutes.
So when this happened. Basically that whole department was shut down as those who had it had to isolate and those who didnt had to work from home.
Not only our department, but the whole facility had to get tested. Now mind you, I didnt see that guy who was the 'host' a whole lot the past month. But my supervisor was with him for a whole week as they had to co-train others for a new module implementation.
My supervisor had to be quarantined that week before but his results came back negative. Theres 30 people in my department and me and one other person tested positive so far.
Now I don't know if I got it at work. But since COVID-19. I rarely leave my house unless it's to buy groceries or do errands which is like once a week.
Im also a germaphobe, so I've always been vigilant about being clean. I used to wash my hands so much that the skin of my knuckles would crack and split so bad that my dermatologist told me to
and was prescribed healing moisturizer for a year where I had to smother my hands in it and put on gloves before I sleep to help rebuild all the damage from washing my hands with all the harsh chemicals in hand soap.
It can happen to anyone.