Moshpit Gxng/ Anti Fash
Looking like DeSantis is going to be president in 2024....
Desantis is polling horribly... where do yall get this from?
Looking like DeSantis is going to be president in 2024....
nikka arabs aint no better than cacshis wife is clearly an arab.
Assuming Trump is indicted, he'll be the frontrunner. In national polling he outperforms Biden. Assuming we'll already have low Dem voter turnout since Trump is no longer in play, a third party can siphon just enough votes to carry him (DeSantis) to the winning the electiomDesantis is polling horribly... where do yall get this from?
Explain it to me, what do you value most?If you knew what I value most this question answers itself....
Whoa!If he can get Tommy Curry as his VP, this might be interesting.
I think I have those thread starters on ignore. Otherwise, related threads would pop up as I'm making the thread
I think I have those thread starters on ignore. Otherwise, related threads would pop up as I'm making the thread
I mean absolutely no disrespect to Doctor West buthis wife is clearly an arab.