Scared nikka talk...
They give a fukk about your money, you still a nikka to them.
You can pay a bully to stop slapping your bytch ass in the mouth, but He won't respect you. He'll just keep taking your money and punking you, though he may not hit you. If you knuckle up and lump him though...he'll respect you.
Broke nikka talk.
Everyone is focused on currency. At least everyone who is smart. If we control enough currency as a collective then we demand respect. And if it comes down to it we'll have the money to actually go to physical war. Right now we do not have the money, tech, or man power. We cannot compete with the system when it comes to brute force. They prove that on the daily.
And who said anything about paying white people? As long as we are on their continent we need to EAT off of white people in every way possible. Starts businesses that will be patronized by white customers and use that money to invest into more businesses. Use said profits to insulate our people and build up the continent of africa. They say they're smarter than us cuz they've built these so called first world paradises right? Only way for us to have the same thing is to oppress white people. Someone has to starve for us to eat. Might as well be them. But violence won't bring about the great famine. Right now we are at a HUGE disadvantage and being violent doesn't do shyt but give them an excuse to enslave another black man.
Money equalizes the playing field. If we as a community stack enough money we'll be able to become totally self sufficient. We won't be going to white grocery stores, paying white land lords, hiring white attorneys, everything will be black owned. Every dollar will go right back to the community. And at the same time we'll be able to collect money off of white people too. Nourishing our community while slowly but surely oppressing theirs.
White people are fat, lazy, weak, coddled, and stupid. If we actually plan and execute we can suck them dry and turn africa into a power continent within the next few centuries. We might not live to see it but we can have a hand in making it happen.
Or we can go out and be tough nikkas like you. Then spend the rest of our youths asking the CO for toilet paper and being told when we can eat.