If,that is a true version of events that the police officers left her exposed in that way,they all should be fired. However , when it comes to police restraining people,especially mentally ill people going through a crisis, accidents happen.I used to work in care home for children with challenging behaviour. at times, I had to restrain extremely violent teenagers with mental illness,learning disability or brain injury ,while I didn't kill any of them, believe me at times it would have been quite possible something unforseen could occur when you have several adults dealing with a teenager thrashing around on the floor . Occasionally during these incidents there were injuries to both staff and occasionally the residents. These residents some of them also had physical illness, again it could be possible one could fall ill during restraint.
Again I can't really judge it as I wasn't there and we have the police version of events and the poor woman's families version's of events both or one may not be accurate. But I would say this, I would lay most of the blame not with the police or the victims family,but with the psychiatric system generally. The police racist or not, are not the right people who should be dealing with the mentally ill, white and black people suffering with mental illness have died during confrontations with police. It is not always the fault of the police,they aren't trained to deal with mental illness. they will resolve things simply swiftly and brutally and as quickly as they can.
When you have a system where you have doctors prescribing medication of dubious worth to people with things wrong with their brain (and these doctors aren't sure exactly why or what is wrong with the mind, hence shooting in the dark with medications), then setting them loose in their local community expecting police, families and neighbours to pick up the pieces,sometimes these things happen,It is a sad indictment of how poorly treated the mentally ill are. They shut down the mental asylums, and they don't do nearly enough research into more effective treatments. At least this poor lady had a family around her when she died, many of these poor souls just fade away on the streets and people just ignore them. Mental illness is a killer, just like cancer or any other serious illness is.