They have a story up already on it
Sacramento police report officer-involved shooting in north Sacramento
Sacramento police report officer-involved shooting in north Sacramento
They have a story up already on it
Sacramento police report officer-involved shooting in north Sacramento
You mention immigrants and homosexuals to him and he gets damn near militant, when it comes to blacks he has to walk a thin line out of fear of pissing off white people. Even his biggest supporters cannot deny that.
He said a bunch of nothing. Token black they gave a monologue to.Yo doctor on cnn going in...
He's saying more than any other authority figure has said all weekend
@Hiphoplives4eva @Golden I'll try and get the video of it later for yall
He said more than any other politican or anyone else on this platform.He said a bunch of nothing. Token black they gave a monologue to.![]()
Saying you feel bad for victims of police executions along with feeling bad for police who died is a whole bunch of nothing if you arent willing to speak up about why you are upset about victims of police executions. If you arent willing to say that, it shows me you arent willing to disappoint massa. Anything overwhelming he was feeling shows me its for the latter, not the former. Dude was "about" to cry the whole time, didnt cry while everyone else was speaking and somehow was "about" to cry again when it was his turn to speak. He said exactly what you would expect a Token black to say. "I feel bad about the other victims because I'm black too but....."He said more than any other politican or anyone else on this platform.
He actually expressed anguish at the recent police killings in baton Rouge and Minnesota. He said how he fits the demographic of being profiled. He said it's frustrating to see victims of shooting left for dead. He also said and is clearly showing he's a had time dealing with and being around cops right now and doing his job properly without bias.....
That's a lot more than I've heard from Obama,Lynch or JEH Johnson, who refuse to acknowledge that there's systematic problem with policing....
I don't care what you say, he used his platform to state issues, that someone like Ben Carson in the similar situation wouldn't even acknowledge....
Not sure if this has been posted yet but this breh was a black Rambo
35 second mark..
That boy was fukking cool as a cucumber idc what anyone says it takes discipline and guts to be that tactically sound in a gun fight. Textbook misdirection rushing a combatant who had cover. Laid supressive fire one way then attacked the other he ran up on that cop before he even knew what the hell was coming at him. Most people would've stayed in cover and traded shots until themselves or their combatant had to reload.
I mean this nikka was so aware of his surroundings he somehow noticed the people far away recording this exchange by shooting at them to see if ithey're a possible threat..