Cop just got murked live on fox news in dallas ( 12 shot 5 dead )


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Jun 15, 2012
We were all made aware of the criminal histories and records of Alton Sterling and Bro Philando Castile, two innocent men who were slaughtered by criminal cops.

We should also become very familiar with the police history of the 5 officers killed in Dallas. Open up their police record for the public.

How many times have each of them been investigated by Internal Affairs and for what? How many policy violations were each of them accused or found guilty of? How many times have they been reprimanded? Remember, people made a hero out of Lt. Gliniewicz in Illinois & then found out he was a scoundrel to the fullest. How many of the Dallas victims have been known to cohort or 'pal around' with White Supremacist groups in Texas?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

White America, has instinctively lionize THEY "innocent" murder victims, sanitizing their miscreant and/or unethical behavior, and you instinctively demonize OUR innocent murder victims, even if they are adolescents killed while playing with a toy in a park.

Kobes Two Jerseys

8 or 24 best player of the era
May 19, 2012
Fistful of jewels
Which is exactly why I scoff & roll mah eyes wheneva I hear dese people say we need to sit down and have open discussions about dese issues.

How da fukk are we goin to have a discussion about issues when one side refuses to eam acknowledge dey exists in da first place? fukkin surrus? :dahell: :camby:
People acting like this all started on July 7, 2016 at 7pm. shyts been going on for hundreds of years, but now? Just now the killing has to stop?:comeon:


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
We were all made aware of the criminal histories and records of Alton Sterling and Bro Philando Castile, two innocent men who were slaughtered by criminal cops.

We should also become very familiar with the police history of the 5 officers killed in Dallas. Open up their police record for the public.

How many times have each of them been investigated by Internal Affairs and for what? How many policy violations were each of them accused or found guilty of? How many times have they been reprimanded? Remember, people made a hero out of Lt. Gliniewicz in Illinois & then found out he was a scoundrel to the fullest. How many of the Dallas victims have been known to cohort or 'pal around' with White Supremacist groups in Texas?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

White America, has instinctively lionize THEY "innocent" murder victims, sanitizing their miscreant and/or unethical behavior, and you instinctively demonize OUR innocent murder victims, even if they are adolescents killed while playing with a toy in a park.
This is the problem when you don't control the media. And the media and the public can only take their queues from the information being handed to them via policell, unless they want to go a separate route, dig information on their own, then they run the risk of being ostracized when "exclusive" content drops

King Jove

King Of โ€ he Gawds
May 1, 2012
You can tell the media has anxiously been waiting for something like this to happen.

They've been waiting to put a negative face on BLM and the pro-black movement to get the general public to side against black people who speak against police brutality and racism.

I haven't seen any of these news outlets have discussions on police reform, re-training police officers, more extensive background checks on suspect racist cops, judicial system reform to convict these kkkiller cops, NOTHING.

ALL they're talking about is BLM and what BLACK PEOPLE need to do.

This is an all out attack on pro-blackness.

They want all black people to be c00ns and just shut the fukk up about cops killing our people in the streets while they continue to kill us.

They want to draw a line in the sand to tell you that if you side with BLM or any pro-black movements you're a racist, anti-police, and anti-american.

I'm glad white people are showing their ass like this. It just makes pro-black people even stronger, brings more black people to the pro-black side, and weeds out the fakes.
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Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Which is exactly why I scoff & roll mah eyes wheneva I hear dese people say we need to sit down and have open discussions about dese issues.

How da fukk are we goin to have a discussion about issues when one side refuses to eam acknowledge dey exists in da first place? fukkin surrus? :dahell: :camby:
For real....idk what to say honestly. I feel like change is coming no matter how slow, it's getting harder and harder for authority figures in power to deny shyt. But the unraveling of the criminal justice system is a lengthy task far deeper than just ridding a few officers....

I mean there needs to be a serve overhaul from top down....


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
People acting like this all started on July 7, 2016 at 7pm. shyts been going on for hundreds of years, but now? Just now the killing has to stop?:comeon:

Puss ass bully syndrome. Mufukkas finally get fed up...punch you in ya fukkin mouf...And now all of a sudden you're da victim.

FOH wit dat bullshyt. :snooze:


Aug 10, 2013
#GMB #7CertsGang

Not sure if this has been posted yet but this breh was a black Rambo :wow:

35 second mark..

That boy was fukking cool as a cucumber idc what anyone says it takes discipline and guts to be that tactically sound in a gun fight. Textbook misdirection rushing a combatant who had cover. Laid supressive fire one way then attacked the other he ran up on that cop before he even knew what the hell was coming at him. Most people would've stayed in cover and traded shots until themselves or their combatant had to reload.


I mean this nikka was so aware of his surroundings he somehow noticed the people far away recording this exchange by shooting at them to see if ithey're a possible threat..


thats my savage #rip :wow:

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
I'm shocked at how rattled cacs are over these cop shootings..Just goes to show how privileged and sheltered they are..This "terror" has BEEN happening to us..This is like their OJ verdict moment all over again..

America must be a really great country for white folks.. Any minor discomfort causes them to go into total panic..



Aug 17, 2012
New York City
I do not support the harming or killing of innocent people. With that said Black America has reached a breaking point after 500 of years of horriffic oppression and this seems to be a situation that probably Micah had a breaking point with racism and white supremacy. This was no conspiracy, this was no plan to start a race war (Scary Conspiracy white people who only believe conspiracies unless it's about racism and White Supremacy, lol). This was a Black Man that reach the end of the road with racism and White Supremacy. Also do not buy the "We had to use the bomb on him". B.S., The White Supremist wanted him blow him to pieces because he killed cops. Funny that's the penalty for killing cops but Black People? Oh here's some money officers while you wait on trail. Oh here's house arrest or bail officers. Oh here your aqquited and you can go home to your families officers. ZERO ACCOUNTABLITY as these race solider neo nazi KKK cops have been killing FOREVER and the system just moves right along, cuts the family some hush money and then we repeat the cycle later with the same results.

They are using military grade A.I. Robot Techology (We in the matrix, wake up) to kill a Black Man but the Boston Bombers actually blew people up and it wasn't used. Dyann Roof killed more people than Micah and a Burger not a Bomb was used. Mind You The Dark Knight Shooter was taken in alive also killing more people. This tells us wither we commit crimes or not, deadly violence force is always used on Black Americans reguardles of guilt or innocence). You telling me an entire police force couldn't take down one man that they had to send in a Johnny #5 aka Chappie to kill him? (I threw in Chappie to help the youngins). Look I know Dallas PD had nothing to do with the last 2 shootings with that said they are still the system. NOBODY family deserves to lose a loved one from unnessessary violence. Well the police of the US have been shooting black people first and asking questions later only to not be held accountable. Imagine all the black lives lost before video? Rodney King cops got off WITH VIDEO. What happening isn't NEW, it's now blasted for all the world to see and the White Supremeist curtains have been pulled back. Though I am sad for those officers familes and childern I've come to grips that every battle for freedom has always been a battle where people have lost lives.

Micah served our country as a military man and went to war. But he came home as a Black Man and had to watch Men, Women, little Girls and Little boys murdered on video. You never know someone's mental state. So yes people can call him a heartless killer and murder for his actions and again I do not justify the decision he personally made to commit this acts. But the broader White Society accepted the results that completely let all those officers off and most people went on with your lives while families had to move on from the tragic deaths. In conclusion, White Supremacy and Racism created Micah Xavier Johnson. Also to all the people "He can't be black, Blacks don't shoot like that". SMH, anyone who knows any Black person in the military knows Black Men can handle weapons just as well as any of there white counterparts. Also if you go to basic trainning in the Army or Marine Corp you are basically trainned to be a sniper on the low with long range shooting drills. Oh and White Media, Calling him "Micah X" was a weak attempt to shame Malcolm, Black people didn't fall for it, nice try.

"For Every Action, There is an Equal or Opposite Reaction" - Issac Newton

"Violence Begets Violence" - Martin Luther King

"What Goes Around, Comes Around" - Proverb

"Do Onto Others, How you would do Yourself" - Bible

"You Reap what you Sow" - Bible

"The Chickens are coming home to roost" - Malcom X

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Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
I do not support the harming or killing of innocent people. With that said Black America has reached a breaking point after 500 of years of horriffic oppression and this seems to be a situation that probably Micah had a breaking point with racism and white supremacy. This was no conspiracy, this was no plan to start a race war (Scary Conspiracy white people who only believe conspiracies unless it's about racism and White Supremacy, lol). This was a Black Man that reach the end of the road with racism and White Supremacy. Also do not buy the "We had to use the bomb on him". B.S., The White Supremist wanted him blow him to pieces because he killed cops. Funny that's the penalty for killing cops but Black People? Oh here's some money officers while you wait on trail. Oh here's house arrest or bail officers. Oh here your aqquited and you can go home to your families officers. ZERO ACCOUNTABLITY as these race solider neo nazi KKK cops have been killing FOREVER and the system just moves right along, cuts the family some hush money and then we repeat the cycle later with the same results.

They are using military grade A.I. Robot Techology (We in the matrix, wake up) to kill a Black Man but the Boston Bombers actually blew people up and it wasn't used. Dyann Roof killed more people than Micah and a Burger not a Bomb was used. Mind You The Dark Knight Shooter was taken in alive also killing more people. This tells us wither we commit crimes or not, deadly violence force is always used on Black Americans reguardles of guilt or innocence). You telling me an entire police force couldn't take down one man that they had to send in a Johnny #5 aka Chappie to kill him? (I threw in Chappie to help the youngins). Look I know Dallas PD had nothing to do with the last 2 shootings with that said they are still the system. NOBODY family deserves to lose a loved one from unnessessary violence. Well the police of the US have been shooting black people first and asking questions later only to not be held accountable. Though I am sad for those officers familes and childern I've come to grips that every battle for freedom has always been a battle where people have lost lives.

Micah served our country as a military man and went to war. But he came home as a Black Man and had to watch Men, Women, little Girls and Little boys murdered on video. You never know someone's mental state. So yes people can call him a heartless killer and murder for his actions and again I do not justify the decision he personally made to commit this acts. But the broader White Society accepted the results that completely let all those officers off and most people went on with your lives while families had to move on from the tragic deaths. In conclusion, White Supremacy and Racism created Micah Xavier Johnson. Also to all the people "He can't be black, Blacks don't shoot like that". SMH, anyone who knows any Black person in the military knows Black Men can handle weapons just as well as any of there white counterparts. Also if you go to basic trainning in the Army or Marine Corp you are basically trainned to be a sniper on the low with long range shooting drills. Oh and White Media, Calling him "Micah X" was a weak attempt to shame Malcolm, Black people didn't fall for it, nice try.

"For Every Action, There is an Equal or Opposite Reaction" - Issac Newton

"Violence Begets Violence" - Martin Luther King

"What Goes Around, Comes Around" - Proverb

"Do Onto Others, How you would do Yourself" - Bible

"You Reap what you Sow" - Bible

"The Chickens are coming home to roost" - Malcom X


May 15, 2014
this may be more accurate than you realize:russ:

Just like the movie spook who sat by the door. That movie was banned because the government was afraid it would start revolutions and riots around the country.

The ending of planet of the apes 3 was also changed because of this fear.