Essential Conspiracy Thread

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
before alex jones,david icke, william cooper, there was Mae Brussell

Mae Brussell - Wikipedia

Project Camelot | In Tribute | Mae Brussell

• On May 29, 1968 Mae confronted Rose Kennedy at the Monterey Peninsula Airport and handed her what she said was a poem, but actually a note telling her Robert Kennedy would soon be assassinated. A week later Senator Kennedy was shot to death at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.


So she claims to have known about a huge CIA plot to assassinate Kennedy, but rather than going public and exposing the plot to the world (which would almost certainly have forced them to abandon), she instead slipped an unconfirmed note to his mom.


A month before Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddikk incident Mae warned his office of "the nest of rattlesnakes" that surrounded him and his upcoming bid for the White House.


A likely drunk Ted Kennedy snuck off with a girl in the middle of the night, got in a car accident that got the girl killed, but now it has something to do with a "nest of rattlesnakes"?

First off, why would she give a damn vague-ass warning like that when Kennedy could do literally NOTHING about it?

Second, how is that even connected with him crashing his car?


• Two weeks before the SLA kidnapped Patty Hearst she told a Syracuse University audience that the SLA shooting of black school superintendent Marcus Foster was just the beginning of what would be terror and psychological sabotage in the same vein Germany had been subjected to in the 1930s.


So now "some rich chick gets kidnapped" = "just like Nazi Germany"?


• In August 1977 (broadcast #282) Mae discussed Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple move to Guyana. She speculated that this might be a training camp for assassination teams – this was more than a year before 913 members of the church were massacred.


How do you go from "training camp for assassination teams" to "they all committed mass suicide" and consider that a hit? They know those aren't the same thing, right?


• Mae's most shocking crystal ball research was probably her March 29, 1981 evening broadcast when she spent much of the hour listing the reasons she believed the Reagan White House were at war with one another and asked who will kill off their team members first. The following morning President Reagan was shot in Washington D.C.


Just slip in there from "team members at war with each other" to "Reagan himself getting shot" and act like they're the same thing?


You listen to those conspiracy shows, they predict that "a false flag is about to hit!" or "someone is gonna get killed soon" on the monthly, if not weekly. Then they just ignore the 99 times that no one died for the 1 in a 100 where "Look, someone got shot that month!" while ignoring both that it wasn't even the person they were actually talking about, and that they say something like that damn near every month.

May 11, 2012
That's why I try to tell people that the scales of conspiracy they need to come up with for this bullshyt are ridiculous.

You're talking thousands and thousands of people who would have to be in on it - entire wings of government, police departments, town populations, and everyone in any other town who knows the people in that town....they ALL have to be cool with it and with no leaks getting out.

And the pay-off for such an insane conspiracy involving thousands of people, putting this entire Illuminati-like structure at high risk of exposure if just ONE person turns on them, was....?

Nothing. There wasn't even a payoff. They risked all that for nothing.

The CT people simultaneously assume that the conspirators are intelligent and strategic enough to run the most amazing, leak-proof, intricate conspiracies ever...and yet so stupid and incompetent that those same conspiracies fail to accomplish anything whatsoever.

If they control all forms of communication, how can you expose them?

You can get on Facebook/YouTube/create your own blog etc..etc, but people would just call you a conspiracy nut.

It's not all that complicated or intricate.Majority of people trust mainstream news.If it's reported there, it must be real.

500 people could come out saying "I was apart of this fake event"---You think they'd make it to the major news networks?

They'd be confined to hokey "alternative media" websites and branded conspiracy theorist.

Which is why it's so fail proof.There's no intricate plan to keep people from speaking out.

They know the sleeping masses wouldn't believe it anyway.Not only that, they've been programmed to look at

"conspiracy theorist" as low down, wacky people.The common person's eager to play guard dog for the mainstream narrative.

It's too easy, really.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
If they had the kind of control you're talking about, they wouldn't even need to pull shyt like this - according to you, they already HAVE basically infinite power and money. Why set up a ridiculous conspiracy plot if you already control everything there is to control?

If they control all forms of communication, how can you expose them?

To control "all forms of communication" would require a conspiracy involving millions or even billions of people, so that's laughable right out of the gate.

In fact, literally everything you believe about these conspiracies came from and is spread by the very forms of communication you simultaneously claim they control.

And why would you even run whatever ridiculous conspiracy if you already control everything?

You can get on Facebook/YouTube/create your own blog etc..etc, but people would just call you a conspiracy nut.

Come on - we ain't talking about "one" conspiracy nut. We're talking about an entire community of people that would have grown up with and known the person....and multiply that by EVERY family out there.

You're talking about thousands of people who would say there's some total bullshyt happening.

And the idea that these scary bad guys control every TV station, every newspaper, every radio show....and all THOSE millions of people haven't said a word either. Not to mention news networks based in other nations.

It's not all that complicated or intricate.Majority of people trust mainstream news.If it's reported there, it must be real. 500 people could come out saying "I was apart of this fake event"---You think they'd make it to the major news networks?

They'd sure make it a hell of a lot of places. If they had problems state-side they could go overseas. Not that you'd even need to with the internet. The idea that literally hundreds or thousands of people would be able to watch the news and say, "That's not her real mom, this is a fake event" and we'd hear nothing but crickets is ridiculous.

Have you ever known anyone who worked for a newspaper or news station? How did they tell you that the Illuminati kept them from breaking world-changing news?
Jun 24, 2012
That's why I try to tell people that the scales of conspiracy they need to come up with for this bullshyt are ridiculous.

You're talking thousands and thousands of people who would have to be in on it - entire wings of government, police departments, town populations, and everyone in any other town who knows the people in that town....they ALL have to be cool with it and with no leaks getting out.

And the pay-off for such an insane conspiracy involving thousands of people, putting this entire Illuminati-like structure at high risk of exposure if just ONE person turns on them, was....?

Nothing. There wasn't even a payoff. They risked all that for nothing.

The CT people simultaneously assume that the conspirators are intelligent and strategic enough to run the most amazing, leak-proof, intricate conspiracies ever...and yet so stupid and incompetent that those same conspiracies fail to accomplish anything whatsoever.

Jun 24, 2012
Just because you don't recognize something as evidence, that doesn't mean it's not, indeed, evidence. :kanyebp:
You just have to verify how objective your standards really are. :stephena1:

The Russian shyt was debunked and just like a leftist conspiracy theorist you still think it exist without evidence.


If you want real evidence look at your own party who created the russian connection but you won't. Tinfoil hat wearing fool..

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
The Russian shyt was debunked


And if so, what in the world was George Papadopoulos arrested for? :sas1:

If you want real evidence look at your own party who created the russian connection but you won't. Tinfoil hat wearing fool.

1. I am not a Democrat, and have never claimed to be. You can check my post history (but you won't, because to you, "Democrat" is an insult).
2. I was not aware that James Comey--a lifelong Republican--was secretly a Democrat when he began investigating Trump in June 2016.
3. I was also not aware that Bob Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Sen. John McCain, and Sen. Bob Corker were also Democrats.

Jun 24, 2012
That's why I try to tell people that the scales of conspiracy they need to come up with for this bullshyt are ridiculous.


You're talking thousands and thousands of people who would have to be in on it - entire wings of government, police departments, town populations, and everyone in any other town who knows the people in that town....they ALL have to be cool with it and with no leaks getting out.

1. 2012 Propaganda has been signed into law. It's legal for U.S. owned corporations to lie to benefit their interest.

2. Government has never turned it's back on it's police departments because they enforce the very laws they sign. They are intertwined.

3. If an staged event happens in your town and it's on tv, it will be believed 100% of the time. If some people from the town who were in on it told their friends and family, I doubt they wouldn't trust them. Lies have been used throughout history that created belief systems in ideology, so why would it be different here?

4. All it takes is a few people to spread lies and the lies will become truth.

And the pay-off for such an insane conspiracy involving thousands of people, putting this entire Illuminati-like structure at high risk of exposure if just ONE person turns on them, was....?

This question makes no sense. How would this "One person" be able to expose the truth to the masses? The news will cover this person...:mjlol:

Nothing. There wasn't even a payoff. They risked all that for nothing.

Again this goes back to my answer above.

The CT people simultaneously assume that the conspirators are intelligent and strategic enough to run the most amazing, leak-proof, intricate conspiracies ever...and yet so stupid and incompetent that those same conspiracies fail to accomplish anything whatsoever.

I guess you never read a book called "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.
Jun 24, 2012

And if so, what in the world was George Papadopoulos arrested for? :sas1:

1. I am not a Democrat, and have never claimed to be. You can check my post history (but you won't, because to you, "Democrat" is an insult).
2. I was not aware that James Comey--a lifelong Republican--was secretly a Democrat when he began investigating Trump in June 2016.
3. I was also not aware that Bob Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Sen. John McCain, and Sen. Bob Corker were also Democrats.


1. Hmmm so when there was Clinton threads exposing her and him of their fukkery, you were protecting them. You never made threads talking bad about the D.P.

1a. Democrat is a insult....because the creators of the KKK were built out of this party. White nationalism was birth from this party.

2. James Comey who career flourished under Democrats like the Clintons. You might be too young to remember who got the Clintons off from a scandal back in 96.

3. You naming names for what? Proof you aren't a democrat? John Mccain is a piece of shyt. Son flip flops worse than fish without water. Traitor and then some.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
1. Hmmm so when there was Clinton threads exposing her and him of their fukkery, you were protecting them. You never made threads talking bad about the D.P.

I've never made threads talking bad about Scientology either--that doesn't mean I'm a member. :hhh:

1a. Democrat is a insult....because the creators of the KKK were built out of this party. White nationalism was birth from this party.

Yes. Because white nationalism absolutely didn't exist at the founding of the country, and it's exclusive to any political party with the title of "Democrat".

Also, the "Southern strategy" isn't a thing--and what's a Dixiecrat? :troll:

2. James Comey who career flourished under Democrats like the Clintons. You might be too young to remember who got the Clintons off from a scandal back in 96.

I don't really know how young you think I am, but this does not prove that James Comey is some kind of secret Democrat. :gucci:

3. You naming names for what? Proof you aren't a democrat? John Mccain is a piece of shyt. Son flip flops worse than fish without water. Traitor and then some.

No wonder you think the Russian collusion story is debunked. :dead:

You can't even recognize the main people involved in it.

-Robert Mueller is the special counsel currently leading the Russian investigation of the Trump campaign. :umadmueller:

-Rod Rosenstein is the Deputy Atty. General who hired him (since Atty. General Sessions is recused from Russia-related matters).

-James Comey is the former FBI director who began investigating the Trump campaign's Russian links in June 2016, before Clinton ever brought up Russian interference in her second debate with Trump. :bpufedup:

^^All of the above are lifelong Republicans, so it's not a "Democratic Party ploy". :mjplsufedup:
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Jun 24, 2012
I've never made threads talking bad about Scientology either--that doesn't mean I'm a member. :hhh:

Yes. Because white nationalism absolutely didn't exist at the founding of the country, and it's exclusive to any political party with the title of "Democrat".

Also, the "Southern strategy" isn't a thing--and what's a Dixiecrat? :troll:

I don't really know how young you think I am, but this does not prove that James Comey is some kind of secret Democrat. :gucci:

No wonder you think the Russian collusion story is debunked. :dead:

You can't even recognize the main people involved in it.

-Robert Mueller is the special counsel currently leading the Russian investigation of the Trump campaign. :umadmueller:

-Rod Rosenstein is the Deputy Atty. General who hired him (since Atty. General Sessions is recused from Russia-related matters).

-James Comey is the former FBI director who began investigating the Trump campaign's Russian links in June 2016, before Clinton ever brought up Russian interference in her second debate with Trump. :bpufedup:

^^All of the above are lifelong Republicans, so it's not a "Democratic Party ploy". :mjplsufedup:

1. Making irrelevant comparisons. One is a religious movement, the other political. Stay on topic.

2. I love when Democrats use excuses not to go into their parties history and use straw-man arguments. You are confusing White Nationalism with White Supremacy. W.S. is the system and many whites didn't have power early on in the beginning of this place and it was the Nationalism of the D.P. that spawned a movement of change. Jim Crow, Black Code Laws and KKK were created under that party. You aren't very good in history I can tell.

2a. Southern Strategy was a myth. Only 3 or 4 members of the Dixiecrats switched to become Republicans. Strom Thurmond( POS), Mills E. Godwin, are just 2 off the top. Another sad attempt of a conspiracy theory that Liberals scream about. "Oh our party isn't racist, Southern Strategy proved it" bullshyt. It's funny cause Hillary was a Goldwater girl but somehow the Southern Strategy was real. If that was real, you wanted a racist bigot in the office in 2016. You failed bro.

3. You obviously don't listen ...Comey's career boomed under the Clintons. He supported them and who do you think kept him a job all these years?


5. Okay? Republicans and Democrats don't like Trump and want him out. Only a dummy would think that both parties don't work together to do things against the people ( Federal Reserve Act, NDAA act, Patriot Act 1 and 2, wars, tax money going to Israel, etc). Why hasn't Mueller and his crew dropped anything yet on Trump?

You are a leftist conspiracy nut job.