I wish someone would explain to me how runner Bolt keeps coming up
Lance Armstrong and the marijuana agenda to mutate teenagers to human cattle
The same illuminati who falsely accuse the champions of natural sports of doping to "enhance" performance, one of the reasons being the marketing of "drugs are good for you" (1).
Usain Bolt is the next.
The drugs for which illuminati control the whole distribution channels, beginning with the poppy fields in Afghanistan. (2)
The drugs they use in their own words (3) as "kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies" to control the human cattle, in particular marijuana to mutate teenagers into human cattle.
"kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies" only until illuminati overtime (4).
But now REAL CCs are a MUST. In fact they are reduced to extermination camps (5).
Poster Liu Kang replies (6):
"- Fighting doping to market drugs.
* Where are your evidence ?"
Last Prophet replies:
Goal of FAKE war on drugs is to ensure total control of distribution by illuminati. Exactly the same thing as fighting illegal gambling, from online casinos to people playing poker in a bar.
And by the way, the time to put an end to the fake war on consumers has already come. (7)
Doping Conspiracy - Destroy Natural Sports Icons, sell "Drugs is better" Hoax
Photos of U.S. and Afghan Troops Patrolling Poppy Fields June 2012
Photos of U.S. and Afghan Troops Patrolling Poppy Fields June 2012 | Public Intelligence
(3) In the illuminati's own words:
"There will be, in the next generation or so, methods of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by DRUGS. And this seems to be the final revolution."
---Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
At this link is the actual AUDIO of Huxley' entire address
Audio Video Collection Database
P.S. Aldous Huxley's brother Julien was head of the United Nations UNESCO giving him access to the policy and planning papers drawn up in the think tanks and research institutes which is where he got his material for his books. He was not the creative genius and visionary many people think of him as.
(4) We have been in the last leg of illuminati end times, illuminati overtime since July 2007 ...
Illuminati Overtime: Financial Armageddon attackers running out of ammo, Illuminati MUST now launch either ethnic civil war or nuclear Armageddon
... when other tactic weapons are required
(5) Virtually EVERY mall, stadium and large school built since 2000 designed as FEMA CC
(6) Page 8 of this thread
(7) Gay Day: pedophilia, GMO, marijuana, colonialism, taxes, ethnic civil war & Co - all approved by voting nachines - November 6 2012
Gay Day: pedophilia, marijuana, ethnic civil war & Co - all approved Nov 6 - The Something Awful Forums