WHY gay teens increased 900% since 1980: ILLUMINATI DRUGS agenda to advance PEDOPHILIA
ILLUMINATI DRUGS agenda has two main subtypes:
- hidden or not.
Not hidden
The not hidden agenda has two main subtypes:
black is white - example: doping conspiracy agenda, pretending to fight drugs to market drugs.
straight - examples: psychotropics agenda, ultimate example for children: RITALIN marketed by prime news packaged as "news"; doctors prescribing it to kids; water fluoridation agenda.
mixed - example: marijuana agenda. The transition from mixed to the straight subtype is almost completed (1).
The ultimate example of the drugs agenda of the hidden type is BPA.
It was the ultimate weapon to advance several agendas, including the pedophilia and gay agendas.
It is the main reason WHY the number of gay teens increased 900% and of lesbian teens 400% since 1980.
(1) Marijuana agenda - transition from mixed to the straight subtype. Example of the day:
Hawaii House Speaker Files Marijuana Legalization Bill | StoptheDrugWar.org
(2) Angelic google returns Last Prophet's words about the weapon of mass destruction BPA:
Hum. I got time to lose so let's do some searching :
So I went to the sources which were supposedly here to back your point, I found this :
Matt Marriot's post on Christian Forums
LAST PROPHET's post on Lunatic Outpost
TheTruthIsNeverTooHorrible's post on Forum Garden
Kyoon_'s post on Something Awful
LAST PROPHET's post on Godlike Productions
TheTruthIsNeverTooHorrible's post on Scam
Same posting style, same theories, same you. There is also thie Bandarra SN you use for portuguese forums.
Doing this searching, I also stumbled upon this
list of all your blogs under the Matt Marriott's name on BLOGGER. Those are sometimes blogs that you quote to back your theories in differents threads. You don't use the Matt Marriott name that much and when you quote to some of your blogs, it makes it appear as it was somebody else that wrote it.
And there is this typical way of writing, i'm not talking about your theories but the way you display them.
But let's talk about this very thread :
1. None of the "facts" you're presenting have legit sources :
- 900% of gay teens since 1980 ?
* I searched this figure associating with homosexuality and teenagers :
> The results shows your own posts on Lunatic Outpost and The-coli
- Illuminati drugs ?
* I didn't mind searching anything with "illuminati" written because it leads nowhere. But, what are those drugs ?
Are all drugs/pyschotropes/psychoactive substances Illuminati-made ?
Do you consider every chimical substances as Illuminati drugs ? Because you said BPA, ritalin, Marijuana, doping substances were all pushed by the Illuminati.
- That "black is white" agenda
* I searched that stuff on google
> Here are the result on the first page (didn't mind the other ones)
NYC: Underwear model Seabra castrates Castro OR illuminati "black is white" - The Something Awful Forums
Underwear model Seabra sentenced for castrating Castro * OR * "black is white" illuminati scripts at will using behind closed doors
Pedophilia Agenda - how it was advanced
Porn agenda: Dopamine, only chemical weapon the illuminati delivered on nuclear warhe - Christian Forums
Apart from being a typical conspiracy phrase, 5 outta 10 answers on the first page are from your own posts...
- Fighting doping to market drugs.
* Where are your evidence ?
- The ritalin stuff
* What's the problem ? where is your evidence ?
- The water fluoridation
* Again, what's the problem ? where is your evidence ?
- What's your problem on Marijuana and the Illuminati again ? I don't get why you throwing it here ?
At the end, I just mean, that all of your evidence... aren't.
Those are simply theories you throw as "facts" backed by your own posts/blogs : that's a never ending spiral where your posts are backed by your blogs and your blogs are backed by some of your posts. You make up your own sources, Where are your third party ones ?
Honestly, this can't definetely be an HL thread if we try to have a forum based on rigorous and documented claims.
2. Your "hidden agenda" is flawed.
- Drugs leading to a pedophilia agenda ? BPA being the main reason for homosexuality ?
* I searched that matter :
> There is no drug that leads to/push an agenda for pedophilia, that doesn't make sense.
> About your homosexuality claims, you surely talking about the BPA studies from Fredrick VOM SAAL and Cheryl ROSENFELD (full VOM SAAL study in .doc here (couldn't find the Rosenfeld one) :
Here's an interview VOM SAAL explains his results :
Interviews - Fred Vom Saal | Fooling With Nature | FRONTLINE | PBS
Here's two articles about the ROSENFELD study (and the demasculinization) :
MU News Bureau | MU News Bureau
Bond LSC News - BPA Exposure In Utero Leads to Decreased Masculine Traits in Adult Male Deer Mice
There are few studies on the matter and those are only ones that conclude to the dangerosity of BPA exposition BUT that's not the problem considering the chemical industry involvement in some of the studies, it shouldn't be astonishing that many studies back BPA as safe (which I personnaly think is not).
What's interesting here is that none of those studies state that BPA induces homosexuality !
It does states that BPA males are less liked by females (by two to one) and that there is a demasculinization of male behaviours but that demasculinization is in their spatial navigational abilities. The change in this ability could lead to decreased reproductive fitness because with that type of mice, the ability to find female partners in the wild is important. That's why this is a "demasculinization" : because the change affects an apparent typical male trait.
My point here is simple : if you read the study (which I'm sure you did), you simply took a part of one of the multiple factors impaired or induced by BPA to serve your... agenda. According to the study BPA affects much more than just this "demasculinization" (which is a very marketable word IMO), it affects :
-the reproductive system growth in both females and males (low sperm count, abnormal urethra, early puberty in females)
-the metabolism (obesity, insuline resistance)
-the behaviour (abnormal socio-sexual behaviour, hyperactivity)
-and induces mammary and prostate hyperplasia leading to a cancer increase
3. You make it appear as a factual and documented thesis by presenting false sources :
- The first note is not related to the matter but at least it's not from you
- The second note is related to the matter but leads to your own theories
4. Using those 3 points, I strongly suggest Kyoon to be banned from HL.
Not because I don't agree with him or because he's a conspiracy theorist (I don't care honestly, a good debate can always come outta this, which is the point of HL ain't it ?) but because this user fabricates his theories quoting himself, non-related sources or partially quoting some to prove his point just to give to his threads the appearance of reliable matter.
This is not even theory, this is fantasy.