Take off the tin hat, none of this nonsense addresses my question. And it's ironic that you mention Hitler since gun laws were actually loosened during his rule.
Nazi Germany didn't rise to power because the people were defenseless to stop the govt. it rose to power because Hitler and the Nazi party charmed and effectively brainwashed them.
While I disagree with this theory I give you credit for at least trying to address my question. A couple reasons for my disagreement.
1. The simplest explanation is that there was "misinformation" at the time because it was a chaotic event in a small town. Pretty sure nobody has even heard of Newton before this tragedy and I'm assuming local news crews were first on the scene, I doubt they had covered anything like this in the past. This is a town that had one murder in the last 10 years. Its not like Woodward and Bernstein were on the scene.
2. This "misinformation" that you speak of lasted for a few hours. Only conspiracy theorists still have questions/doubts etc., questions they wouldn't have if the "misinformation" hadn't been spread in the first place. Even more irony.
2. The theory goes that this atrocity was perpetrated by the government for the purpose of gun control. I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that no meaningful legislation will come out of this and people who want to buy guns will still be able to do so. In fact this tragedy will probably spur more people to buy guns in the irrational belief that the govt. is trying to "disarm" them, similar to what happened when Obama was re-elected.
If anything it actually makes more sense that if there was some evil purpose/conspiracy behind Newton, its goal was to increase the purchase of guns by the people, thus lining corporate pockets. I mean think about it, who really profits from gun control?
Newtown shooter's guns: What we know - CNN.comalso what about the fact the assault rifle wasnt found int he school? Isnt that the crux of the whole gun control debate?
I don't buy the Sandy Hook shooting being an inside job.
Early reports always are just that early reports with misguided info, police have not released what they shot my friend with why would they be any different in this case and on top of that the video of the dad laughing seems more like b-roll as though people are sad all day and night.
WHY gay teens increased 900% since 1980: ILLUMINATI DRUGS agenda to advance PEDOPHILIA
ILLUMINATI DRUGS agenda has two main subtypes:
- hidden or not.
Not hidden
The not hidden agenda has two main subtypes:
- black is white - example: doping conspiracy agenda, pretending to fight drugs to market drugs.
- straight - examples: psychotropics agenda, ultimate example for children: RITALIN marketed by prime news packaged as "news"; doctors prescribing it to kids; Water fluoridation agenda.
- mixed - example: marijuana agenda. The transition from mixed to the straight subtype is almost completed (1).
The ultimate example of the drugs agenda of the hidden type is BPA.
It was the ultimate weapon to advance several agendas, including the pedophilia and gay agendas.
It is the main reason WHY the number of gay teens increased 900% and of lesbian teens 400% since 1980.
(1) Marijuana agenda - transition from mixed to the straight subtype. Example of the day:
Hawaii House Speaker Files Marijuana Legalization Bill;
Hawaii House Speaker Files Marijuana Legalization Bill | StoptheDrugWar.org
(2) Angelic google returns Last Prophet's words about the weapon of mass destruction BPA:
Shut the fukk up.
@BarNone @Brown_Pride
I don't know if y'all remember this Kyoon guy from the old site, but around 2007 when I first started lurking on this site, he basically was KTL. He would spam up the whole board with conspiracy threads daily. He's a large reason why I used to just lurk KTL then and never post. Ask someone like Dead End about dude. Its seem like he's trying to bring that back here.
It may be a good idea to start moving them now. http://www.the-coli.com/higher-learning/442-conspiracy-thread.html#.UP3yzvJsKSo