Essential Conspiracy Thread


May 6, 2012
True indeed.
What do you think about Parallel Universes
Multi dimensions, string theory
Is there a Spiritual war going on?
Did u hear about certain stones n water can obtain human record and incidents? Most hauntings etc... happens around certain types of rock n water.

Parallel universes very much exist as do multiple dimensions. And dimensions don't just go up and down like 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. They also can go across like 3a, 3b, 3c etc. We are in the 3rd dimesnion which is very slow and dense. A lot of ETs operate in higher dimensions which is why their crafts can go at speeds that surpass human logic. It's also why crafts seem to appear and disappear because they are literally jumping in and out of the dimension. Think of it like this: when the blades on a helicopter are immobile we can see them clearly (3rd dimension). But when the helicopter is flying, the blades are moving at speeds that we can't clearly see and all we see is a blur, if anything at all (4th dimension). Beings in higher dimensions can see us clearly, but we can't see them unless they slow down to match our vibration.

I don't exactly know what you mean by "spiritual war", but there have always been forces that have vied for control over the earth. The earth is NOT just the home of humans; we're just borrowing it for now. Hidden Hand described how his Lucifer group purposely creates negativity on the earth, so if you believe that, you know there's at least one group of "dark forces" we're at conflict with. The positive higher beings have a policy of non-interference so they can't do anything from their plane; what they do is send in wise souls to incarnate onto earth to help us from the inside out. These souls come with the purpose of helping and healing the planet; they could be anybody - the milkman, Jesus, Oprah, etc. But that's really how the spiritual war is being fought. Certain forces are trying to bring positivity towards the world, while others are creating a negative vibration.

Rocks, more specifically crystals, are the best holders of information on this planet. That's why legends like the crystal skulls and even the sword in the stone (knowledge in the stone) are so prevalent throughout history. Moreover, everything has consciousness, even rocks, wind, and water, so when you think of it like that, it's easy to see how elements can be holders/conduits of information.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Parallel universes very much exist as do multiple dimensions. And dimensions don't just go up and down like 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. They also can go across like 3a, 3b, 3c etc. We are in the 3rd dimesnion which is very slow and dense. A lot of ETs operate in higher dimensions which is why their crafts can go at speeds that surpass human logic. It's also why crafts seem to appear and disappear because they are literally jumping in and out of the dimension. Think of it like this: when the blades on a helicopter are immobile we can see them clearly (3rd dimension). But when the helicopter is flying, the blades are moving at speeds that we can't clearly see and all we see is a blur, if anything at all (4th dimension). Beings in higher dimensions can see us clearly, but we can't see them unless they slow down to match our vibration.

I don't exactly know what you mean by "spiritual war", but there have always been forces that have vied for control over the earth. The earth is NOT just the home of humans; we're just borrowing it for now. Hidden Hand described how his Lucifer group purposely creates negativity on the earth, so if you believe that, you know there's at least one group of "dark forces" we're at conflict with. The positive higher beings have a policy of non-interference so they can't do anything from their plane; what they do is send in wise souls to incarnate onto earth to help us from the inside out. These souls come with the purpose of helping and healing the planet; they could be anybody - the milkman, Jesus, Oprah, etc. But that's really how the spiritual war is being fought. Certain forces are trying to bring positivity towards the world, while others are creating a negative vibration.

Rocks, more specifically crystals, are the best holders of information on this planet. That's why legends like the crystal skulls and even the sword in the stone (knowledge in the stone) are so prevalent throughout history. Moreover, everything has consciousness, even rocks, wind, and water, so when you think of it like that, it's easy to see how elements can be holders/conduits of information.

Damn bro like that knowlege.

If you notice a lot of cultures around throughout time seem to have the exact same type of spirits and worship no matter how far apart. Do you think there was once a one world government in ancient times?

What happen to the other species of humanoids such as Cro, neatherdthal, hobbits etc... and why did they die almost the exact timeframe?

Why wont they admit that those species may be credited with helping build some of these ancient marvels.

Do you think Mars may once had humanoid life?

What makes humans so special that the evil entities n spirits want range war with us?

How powerful is the brain and its relation to the universe?

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
anybody familiar with this?

The Chronicle Project .org - Home

says they're translating from ancient hebrew literally.... sounds very Annunaki-ish.

Of course, I'm not going to vouch for the validity of such things. I don't know ancient

Barchu et adonai hamvorach l'olam va'ed

May have been their parting words


Jun 17, 2012
Every spiritual plane has a universe. Even an atom can be it's own universe if you shrink down enough in size. Remember the scene in Men in Black where our entire universe was really just a marble? I've read that's how it really is. And then when you add in dimensions and the different octaves of each dimension.... :wow: you realize how much of a speck we really are. Our Big Bang was not unique. There are big bangs occurring all the time creating new universes, but there are also universes contracting all the time.... think of it as the Creator inhaling and exhaling.

The Vatican is hiding the true nature of existence and human potential. Ancient records and scrolls that contain the true knowledge of the universe completely shyt on the Vatican's teachings. If this knowledge gets out, the Vatican (and all organized religion) would collapse because people would see the higher truth and realize that religion is merely a control mechanism. You have to remember that the Bible itself was constructed by European men at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. They chose and left out specific books for a reason because the Bible was going to be their greatest tool of control. The Bible is not all :duck:, but it's not to be read literally; it was written with metaphors and symbols that the people of that age would easily understand, but we've obviously long-forgotten how to decipher it.

But many people are re-awakening to the truth of the universe and are asking questions (this thread proves that); that's why organized religion is slowly being moved into the bushes.

you have any sources for this intel?

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
you have any sources for this intel?

everything he typed, verbatim is true.

There could be our universe duplicated exactly within each one of us for each quantum cell. We can not measure infinitesimals any better than we can infinity, so they must be equivalent to each other and are possibly indistinguishable.

Thats math and science. The vatican's eternal enemy..even moreso than Satan.

The prob is not that it diminishes God but that it raises each human up to have potential close to Jesus and/or have the potential to unlock substantially more than 10% of their brain, and/or have as much power spiritually as clergy of any sort without consensus agreement on whats pious, which is corrupt to any system of morality.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
everything he typed, verbatim is true.

There could be our universe duplicated exactly within each one of us for each quantum cell. We can not measure infinitesimals any better than we can infinity, so they must be equivalent to each other and are possibly indistinguishable.

Thats math and science. The vatican's eternal enemy..even moreso than Satan.

The prob is not that it diminishes God but that it raises each human up to have potential close to Jesus and/or have the potential to unlock substantially more than 10% of their brain, and/or have as much power spiritually as clergy of any sort without consensus agreement on whats pious, which is corrupt to any system of morality.

Don't think it diminish God but destroys the God that we humans created in our likeness. This universe proves a higher creator especially Mathematics linked to all creations.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Don't think it diminish God but destroys the God that we humans created in our likeness. This universe proves a higher creator especially Mathematics linked to all creations.

Good point...but they can easily counter that with saying, well, Earth seems to be ideal for life, and humanity is the dominant system of the the human-God connection is stronger..

Even if the higgs boson could be seen literally as a God particle..or if there is another super quantum molecule that is truly the smallest molecule of all possibilities, religion could still say that humanity responds best to it, has the most of it or better yet, they use it as a way to quantify consciousness, then they could argue that it shows that humans have the most powerful outgoing transmission system and internal reflection capability than any other thinking thing.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Good point...but they can easily counter that with saying, well, Earth seems to be ideal for life, and humanity is the dominant system of the the human-God connection is stronger..

Even if the higgs boson could be seen literally as a God particle..or if there is another super quantum molecule that is truly the smallest molecule of all possibilities, religion could still say that humanity responds best to it, has the most of it or better yet, they use it as a way to quantify consciousness, then they could argue that it shows that humans have the most powerful outgoing transmission system and internal reflection capability than any other thinking thing.

Not True. I believe it goes to show how powerful the brain is right??? Think about it I can beat you for 25 years (Pause) and tell you that you have pockets on your legs sooner or later you going to believe it.

Horrible analogy but hey I tried.

The mind is behind the power of religion. Remember God is a coping mechanism we created as we advanced as a a species in the sense of religion. What I find interesting is that the ancients knew about mathematics and the affects that it has on creation. Knowing the secrets of that math will bring us closer to god in my opinion.
May 2, 2012
thetown to global
Basically this is why im SHOOK.

If this is actually valid...and I "thought" of it...then mathematically it has been done before at least once on a much larger scale..which could mean that humanity could have been organic from the flow and have attained Godhood "at some time", which then, essentially tosses the historical timeline in the bushes and potentially validates Jesus as God Himself due to largest recognition via the year switch to 0. :gladbron: On top of that, Jesus' Imagination and Unspoken Thoughts could have been more powerful than his Word, which is mind boggling.

But then, the specificity of That Jesus becomes ultra paramount and leads one to wonder: if others have attained "Christ" consciousness or Godhood, if Jesus actually, inadvertently overthrew whatever or whomever was God before because of the developments of his life and perception of his "death" and teachings, or if there are multiple sovereign God (s), if there is one God enveloped by those who attain that status, if traditional concepts are essentially true, or if its possible for those to do this and not be recognized for it. The whole judeo-christian complex could just be using archetypes in order to manufacture a messiah for them to manipulate. The extensions are endless :wow:

And lets not get into other non human consciousnesses doing this on our planet or elsewhere because then shyt truly hits the fukkin fan.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This is kind of low level here but how do you feel about dreams? Do you feel they are the portal to an alternate universe?

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cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
This is kind of low level here but how do you feel about dreams? Do you feel they are the portal to an alternate universe?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

i've had many flying dreams in my life. they vary in a few ways.
some dreams i can just take off and fly with ease, look around and control where i go.

some dreams i struggle to get off the ground and kinda bounce up and down then fly for a little while before i come back down.

i have also had many dreams where i am climbing something really high, then i get to a point where i am stuck and i'm frozen with fear...then i wake up shook.

i've also had dreams where i'm fighting someone but i'm moving in slow motion but everything else is moving normally around me.

i had a few dreams where my brain falls out if i lean over. then i try to pick it up and put it back in....i don't know what the fukk that is all about.