Essential Conspiracy Thread


Oct 11, 2012



May 6, 2012
:whoo: My take on Hidden Hand:

HH didn't present anything that I haven't heard before, but the perspective was somewhat foreign to me. Earlier in this thread, I dropped a post about how Earth is an ideal place for incarnations, because the adversity (negativity) we face here accelerates soul growth. HH's "task" coincides with that by readily admitting that the Lucifer soul group creates the negativity here as a service to us, so that we can employ free will within the duality of positive vs. negative. I never looked at it as Lucifer doing this out of benovolence, although in Lucifer's consciousness that may be the case. I have my own understanding of Lucifer, but I'll talk about that shortly (there's a reason Lucifer's considered a "fallen angel", although HH ignored this).

The whole take on Yahweh was very interesting. Basically, a lot of what HH said about Yahweh is what other channeled "entities" have said about Lucifer. HH says that Yawheh withheld free will to us, which wasn't allowing us to evolve fast enough, and thus, Lucifer was sent to somewhat speed things up. If anybody has extensively read writings regarding the Pleiadians, you'll know their whole perspective about Lucifer is completely different: basically, every system has a guardian/protector. So the One Creator is the guardian of the multi-verse, each individual universe has it's own guardian, each galaxy has one, each star-system, each indivual solar system, and all the way down to each planet (HH describes this as Sub-Logos). In our particular solar system, 3rd dimensional life originally started on Venus. And then when that civilization collapsed, the souls went to Mars, and then Mars fell, and souls went to Maldek (all that's left of Maldek is the asteroid belt), and then finally Earth. I can get into why Venus and Mars fell later, but when souls begin incarnating on Maldek, Luifer was chosen to be the guardian there. And originally, Lucifer was a benevolent being that performed the bidding of higher beings and held the frequency of love/compassion for the people of Maldek. Lucifer's main purpose was to maintain and trasmit the encodings/instructions from Galactic Center to the appropriate entities on Maldek to keep the planet in harmony. This worked perfectly for about 16,000 years, but eventually Lucifer began to hold the emotions/vibrations of Maldekians (who's emotions fluctuated between positive and negative due to cosmic forces). Lucifer believed himself to be beyond these emotions, but the more he questioned his divinity, the more these negative emotions stuck to him; it got to a point where Lucifer perceived the Maldekians as negative beings and Lucifer began to block the harmonious encodings that were coming from Galactic Center. Bascially, Lucifer discarded the will of the higher beings and took control of Maldek, thus acting in direct opposition to his own divinity and "falling from grace" (there's another fall from grace I described in an ealier post). Lucifer's own actions casused the Maldekians to experience erratic emotions and drinking, drugs, violence gambling etc. became quite common. As Lucifer looked down at all this, he decided to "seize control" so to speak and completely disregard any instructions from the higher beings; he completely blocked the contact between the higher beings and the Maldekians. During this time, the solar system was moving into the Photon Band (as we presently are in 2012), and it was then that Lucifer made his move and blocked the cosmic energies of the Photon Band. There was such a mismatch and elevated pressure of cosmic energies that knocked Maldek out of orbit (which Lucifer planned) and then the tectonic plates and core of the planet ripped apart, causing the planet to explode (which Lucifer didn't plan). The souls and fragmented souls that were on Maldek when it exploded, went through a "healing process" before they (us) came to Earth to begin incarnations here; when this occurred Lucifer followed us here still feeling the need to control us, and thus implement the "control mechanisms" of religion, greed, bias etc. Although, he was not asked to come (HH says he was asked), the higher beings allowed him to serve in this purpose. By creating negativity, Lucifer really believes he's doing the right thing, and obviously his whole Hidden Hand soul group believe the same thing :aicmon:. I find it ironic that HH says the Ra teachings are the most accurate, because most of what I just typed comes from Ra and they obviously contradict HH's whole notion of Lucifer. Lucifer seems to think imposing his own will coincides with our "free will".

HH's knowledge obviously shyts on the average human's knowledge, however, HH displayed some ignorance in that dialogue. Isn't it ironic that a being with so much knowledge of the cosmos seems to have such little insight about the humans he and his family are supposed to be controlling? If you recall early in the discussion, HH treated the questioners with cold indifference. He was very robotic and borderline snappy with the responses. But by the end, HH admitted that he had grown fond of the questioners (in just a few short days) and was saddened that the time to end was coming near. HH then implied that he lived in some subterranean society and I got the implication that he was quite sheltered.... having not had much direct contact with the earthlings that he had been bred to believe were inferior (in knowledge) and meant to be controlled. Observing this, you can understand why he holds Lucifer in such a high, benevolent regard, while other beings view Lucifer as an ignorant entity that lost his way, but still serves a purpose. You would think if HH and his family spent more time around humans, they'd maybe change their stance on us and stop trying so hard to manipulate our lives..... just let us be. But it seems the Lucifer influence of controlling things is too strong on them. And as it turns out, more and more people are questioning the nature of religion, government, race-relations etc. which is causing Lucifer to lose his control grip on us (as the higher positive beings have planned would happen) and we're all beginning to "wake up" so to speak (this whole forum should testify to that). This is causing the wealthy elite (Lucifer's pawns) to panic and that's why we're seeing this push for wars in the Middle East, new diseases springing out of nowhere, excuses to start micro-chipping people, and whatever other control mechanisms they can come up with. I think we're finally starting to win the fight bruhs :wow: and they don't know what to do.

In regards to the whole Harvest thing, HH says that depending if you're at a Positive Polarity, Negative Polarity, or lukewarm polarity determines where you'll end up after the 2012 shift. I've always been taught that's it's an "all or nothing" scenario and that enough individuals have reached a positive polarity (1 positive polarity is stronger than thousands of negative polarities) that the entire planet will ascend to a more positive state :salute:

Hidden Hand dropped some good knowledge, and it's a good read. But he even said only apply the things that resonate with you and that's what I've done :whew:

I have some other things I could talk about with this, but I'll leave it alone for now.


Grams Grands Gucci G'd Up
May 1, 2012
I like this thread but the last couple of pages you guys been on some other next level mad ting :whoa:


I came from nothing
May 1, 2012
What HH says resonates with me because its what's being taught in my religion, loosely. Do good and you ascend to a better place. Do bad and you got to a bad place. If your in the middle you go to purgatory. I truly wonder what's in store fore us


I came from nothing
May 1, 2012
By the way I saw a few of you say this incorrectly. If your more than 95 percent negative you move on with the Lucifer soul complex. If your more than 51 percent positive you move on to the positive realm. Those that fall outside of those parameters have to repeat the cycle again.

Unless I misunderstood

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
By the way I saw a few of you say this incorrectly. If your more than 95 percent negative you move on with the Lucifer soul complex. If your more than 51 percent positive you move on to the positive realm. Those that fall outside of those parameters have to repeat the cycle again.

Unless I misunderstood

Is this statement correct? : "In order to choose the positive path, at least 51 percent of our thoughts and actions must be dedicated to the service of others. For the negative path, at least 95% must be self-serving. Between the two lies “the sinkhole of indifference".”

HH: Your statement is correct, yes. So you see, how hard we must strive for negativity? It takes a lot of effort to reach 95% Negativity. Also, you may be surprised how many people on the planet are nowhere near reaching 51% Positive.

you're right.


Jun 11, 2012
A particular personality of an individual is shaped by three or four incarnations. The emotions and talents of a person reflects these past incarnations. A person's dreams, visions, and meditations are reflections of the soul's experience in other dimensions (i.e., heavenly realms) of consciousness associated physically by our solar system. The human intellect was created from the stars and planets. The intellect is the mind force of the soul which is conditioned by its previous incarnations on Earth and its experiences in other dimensions and even in other solar systems. The intellect becomes dimmed or brightened by its recent experiences within the three-dimensional consciousness of the solar system and the experiences within other dimensional realms of consciousness.

Thus, a personality is only a facet of the soul. The soul may incarnate as any facet to express that portion of itself. As a soul approaches its completion of the solar cycle of consciousness, the personality becomes more multi-sided and expresses greater facets of the soul. This is because each incarnation "burns off" negative karma which requires less and less attention. Finally, the personality will become a complete expression of the soul and the cycle of reincarnation is finished for the soul.

As the soul succumbs to worldly desires by abandoning its intellect for sensuality, it becomes more and more one-sided.

When the individual has attained complete human-divine unity, its cycle of reincarnations is finished, the soul is liberated, and the soul then merges with its spirit and, therefore, with God. The soul record (memory) is forever retained. This record is, at all times, is the sum total of what the soul personality has been: all it has thought, all it has experienced; all it has eaten, drunk, and felt through the ages.

Thus, as the soul is subjected to reincarnation, both the atheist and the religionist are correct. The atheist believes the personality does not survive after death. The religionist believes the soul is judged after death by its Creator. Substituting "personality" for "soul", both are expressing the truth. The personality is evaluated after death and then returns to the soul which created it, thereby giving up its own independent existence and becoming once again a facet of the soul. This process is different from the process where the soul merges with the spirit after it completes its cycles of reincarnation.

With each incarnation into the physical realm (the solar system) and the other realms of consciousness, the general plan for perfecting the soul proceeds. Another facet of the soul is assumed and incarnated to experience tribulation in order to reinforce the character of the soul's entire personality.

The trials and tribulations of individuals, groups, nations, and races, are dealt with time and time again through free will until they are solved. Then souls are free to journey to other worlds, or other solar systems, or other universes, or other dimensions of the hierarchy of consciousness.


Where did you get all of this from?


Oct 11, 2012
What does it mean when you see 11:11 a lot?

is that just some bullsh!t

I see a lot of 3:33, 6:33, 3:36... The description in the following text is spot on concerning me... :wtf:


Each set of repeating numbers has a different meaning.

As a rule of thumb, when a person keeps seeing the same number pattern - sometimes with slight variations - it points to two things. The meaning of the numbers involved are a current issue for the individual, and the numbers function as a warning to get the person to pay attention.

For example, when the number 11 is prominent within the pattern, as seems to be the case more often than any other number, intuition - or the acceptance thereof - is an issue, and ..... you better take some time and make the effort to figure out what your subconscious is trying to tell you.

The following is a listing of the numbers that are found most often to be prominent within those patterns, and a somewhat general description of what they represent.

11, 11/11, 2.11, 11.2, etc.

With the number 11 the issue is always one of subtlety, intuition, sensitivity, awareness, and the presence of knowledge that is not being applied. You need to trust your intuition. Your gut feelings tend to be more reliable than your "rational" understanding. You are making the wrong decisions based on what you think you know, while deep down your intuitive understanding is telling you to go a different direction.

Very often, people experience this number pattern in the early stages of a relationship, and in that context, it should be considered a warning. Take it very slow. Be very careful. Don't stick your head in the sand when you realize something within the relationship is not quite right. Chances are, it isn't. This does not mean that just because you see the number 11 appear everywhere, you should get out of the relationship. But it does mean that there are certain things you should be aware of. Actually, I should say you are, deep within, aware of them, but you need to make the next step and consciously acknowledge what you already know on a subconscious level.

When romance is not part of the picture, this number can point at just about anything else. Perhaps there are things happening in your work environment you have not paid attention to, although your feelings have been trying to tell you something.

In short, you have to take a close look at your life and "read between the lines." Your inner self is attempting to communicate with you and you are not listening. Open up and acknowledge what you know. Trust thyself.

22, 22.4, 4.22, 22/22, etc.

The 22 almost always deals with the productive part of your life; your job, your responsibilities, your creativity.

You are either ignoring opportunities, or you are afraid of the potential results - even if they are promising (or precisely because they are promising). You are quite possibly at a stage in your life when the door is open to a promised land. Very scary. Can you handle it?

The great Russian master Gurdjev, talks about "extra effort." This is the secret to success on all levels of life; material, spiritual, emotional. In a nutshell, the explanation is this. People who do not put forth effort end up losing every opportunity and every chance of real happiness. They are the losers among us. Poor, unhappy, and full of self-pity. Petty crime, jealousy, anger, cynicism, lost love, and blaming every one but themselves, is a loser's daily experience.

Those of us who understand the need for effort and live up to that, do fine. Perhaps not rich, perhaps not involved in the perfect relationship, perhaps not anywhere near as successful as we think we deserve to be, we nonetheless muddle on in relative peace and contentment. We have our friends, we have a job, we have opportunities.

Than there are those who have it in their nature to apply extra effort to everything they do. They don't just do their jobs. They do it better than is required. They apply themselves completely to everything they do. They are perfectionists. They demand the most of themselves. And not just in their jobs. Their spiritual experiences also reflect this. They don't accept anything because it is easy, or convenient, or expected, or comfortable. They search and sacrifice. They question, and they put everything on the line for just one more little bit of understanding. They risk friendships and romance in the search for knowledge. On the emotional plane, they are hard and unforgiving to themselves, but compassionate and generous to others. They don't make excuses or try to shift the blame.

And, lo and behold, there is balance in all things; they reach a happiness and contentment, an inner peace and visible spiritual strength that is recognized and admired by many. They win. They always reap their rewards.

This is Gurdjev's lesson: Effort is always rewarded exponentially.

If the 22 is found prominent within a number pattern that just keeps popping up in your life, it means you have it in you to become a person for whom the path of extra effort is the natural path. You just need to shift gears.

33, 33.6, 33/33, etc.

The number 33, in the context of repeating numbers, represents generosity, the act of giving. You have something to give, but you are holding on. The thing you have to offer is not material. It is knowledge, faith, wisdom, love, or one of the many other qualities of the heart and mind. Look around you. Look inside. What is it that you have to offer. Because something is asking you to surrender to the act of giving. And your happiness depends on it.

16, 16/16, 4/16, 416, etc.

The number 16 also is quite common, and is perhaps the one to be viewed most strongly as a warning. You are approaching a dangerous time in your life. Your perspective of yourself, of who you are, clashes with reality and the world you live in. You are misreading many of the signs. Your perspective is probably off by a dangerous margin. You need to take the time to step back and re-evaluate your life as open-minded and honest as possible. Start with the assumption that you are probably wrong on many fronts. Be self-critical. Be brutally honest with yourself.

If you can do it, you may want to consider taking some time off. Quiet time. But also talk to others. People you are close to and trust to be honest and straightforward with you. Let them have the opportunity to see your doubts and fears. Listen to what they have to say.

You need to get back on course, perhaps others can be your guiding stars.


May 3, 2012

Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives

A pioneer in uncovering the secrets of life, internationally recognized spiritual hypnotherapist Dr. Michael Newton takes you once again into the heart of the spirit world. His groundbreaking research was first published in the bestselling Journey of Souls, the definitive study on the afterlife. Now, in Destiny of Souls, the saga continues with 70 case histories of real people who were regressed into their lives between lives. Dr. Newton answers the requests of the thousands of readers of the first book who wanted more details about various aspects of life on the other side. Destiny of Souls is also designed for the enjoyment of first-time readers who haven't read Journey of Souls.

Explore the meaning behind your own spiritual memories as you read the stories of people in deep hypnosis, and learn fascinating details about:

—Our purpose on Earth
—Soul mates and spirit guides
—Spiritual settings and where souls go after death
—Soul travel between lives
—Ways spirits connect with and comfort the living
—The soul-brain connection
—Why we choose certain bodies

This book will :mindblown:


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Man hidden hand on some real shyt is the most:mindblown::wow::whoo::noah::troll: shyt I have read in years like wtf brehs. I feel like I'm playing assassins creed or some shyt reading a templars words or some apple of Eden bio. Like damn breh what is life about?