Essential Conspiracy Thread


Grams Grands Gucci G'd Up
May 1, 2012
Random ass youtube comment I found by 100% coincidence on this video

Thêir gonna blow up the Olympics 0n 8/3/12 hopefully it dosent happen!! ILLUMINATI THE REAL TERRORIST
Realmz888 2 days ago
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May 6, 2012
I believe this to be true. But the agenda is to lessen the population not increase, so they arent going to tell consumers.

Finally found some of my stuff on HIV/AIDS, and your post perfectly coincides with it :obama:

There was a 1957 symposium amongst the elite which focused almost exclusively on the "single greatest problem" on the planet today - overpopulation. Bill Cooper was privy to the information in the symposium. According to Cooper, they discussed there are 2 ways to stem population growth: reduce the birth rate or increase the death rate. Cooper tells of several programs that have been used to decrease the birth rate including birth control, sterilization, abortion, and hysterectomies, but those measures had largely been ineffective. The next alternative was to increase the death rate. According to Cooper:
"Several Top Secret recommendations were made by Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome. He advocated that a plague be introduced that would have the same effect as the famous Black Death of history. The chief recommendation was to develop a microbe that would attack the auto-immune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible. The orders were given to develop the microbe and develop a prophylactic and cure. The microbe would be used against the general population and would be administered by vaccine. The prophylactic was to be used by the ruling elite. The cure will be administered to the survivors when it is decided that enough people have died. The cure will be announced as newly developed when in fact it has existed from the beginning.... the prophylactic and the cure are suppressed."

Cooper said that "undesirable" elements of society were targeted, specifically Black, Hispanic, and homosexual populations. He said, 'The African continent was infected via smallpox vaccine in 1977. The vaccine was administered by the World Health Organization..... The U.S. population was infected in 1978 with the hepatitus B vaccine.... conducted by the Centers of Disease Control in New York, San Francisco, and four other American cities..... The gay population was infected. The ads for participants specifically asked for promiscuous homosexual male volunteers. Whatever causes AIDS was in the vaccine." Cooper said this order was given by the Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group. And there were other measures to decrease population:
".... Haig-Kissinger Depopulation Policy, which is administered by the State Department. This policy dictates that Third World nations take positive and effective step so decrease their populations and hold them in check or they get no aid from the United States. If the Third World nations refuse, civil war breaks out and the rebels are usually found to be trained, armed, and financed by the Central Intelligence Agency. That is why many more civilians (especially young fertile females) than soldiers have been killed in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and other places....... The planning organization operates outside the White House and directs its entire efforts to reduce the world's population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease, and other means necessary."

That's Bill Cooper's stuff. Now here's the Strecker Memorandum on AIDS.
Dr Strecker has worked with retroviruses and is an expert on the subject (he made a video about all this). He started uncovering the truth about HIV/AIDS and the government threatened to kill him; they actually killed his brother and a senator that was going to sponsor a bill Strecker proposed. Like Cooper, Strecker reveals that there were secret meetings held to discuss the problem, and ultimate solution of overpopulation. The U.N. stated specifically that they'd like to reduce the world population by three-quarters, and Strecker has a copy of the actual U.N. document that shows this (I'm looking for that Coli bruhs). But anyways:
"Dr. Strecker showed scientifically exactly how the U.N. did it. They took a virus from a sheep and a virus from a cow and blended them together in a certain way to make the AIDS virus. But before they ever distributed it, they also made a cure for it. The governments have the cure right now... The people who were doing this.... were obviously prejudiced, because they singled out two groups: the Blacks and the homosexuals.
In Haiti there was an epidemic of hepatitis B moving through the homosexual community, and they all needed to be injected with the hepatitis B vaccine. So U.N. agents took the AIDS virus, put it in the hepatitis B vaccine and injected it into everyone. That's how the virus started."

On a more positive note: Years ago, doctors at UCLA began examining a young boy who had been born with AIDS. He had been checked at birth, at six months and again at one year. He still had AIDS. He wasn't checked again until he was about five. When they checked him this time, all traces of the AIDS virus were gone. It was as though he had never contracted AIDS. They didn't know how his system became immune; all they knew was that it did. They checked everything they could think of including his DNA. It was here where they found a change. The youngin' didn't have human DNA.
We have 64 codons in our DNA, but in normal humans only 20 of these codons are turned on. The rest are inert or not working, except for three, which are the stop and start programs. This young boy had 24 codons turned on- he had found a way to mutate that made him immune to AIDS. In fact, when they were testing him, they found that he was immune to everything. They found that his immune system was 3000 times stonger than a normal human's (that African DNA :lawd:).
Then they found another child with the same situaion, coming out of AIDS and turning on 24 codons, becoming immune to AIDS and other disease. They found 100, then 10,000. UCLA now believes that 1% of the world has made this change. They now believe at least 55 million children and adults are no longer human, by DNA definition. They believe a new human race is being born; AIDS has sometimes been called "the disease to end all diseases" so maybe that's what we're seeing:yeshrug:


🐉⛩️ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 ⛩️ 🐉
Jun 15, 2012
was watching the old super mario bros film ( i know brehs but i was bored as sh*t)

so check it im watching this movie eating a philly cheesesteak and my mouth could have dropped when i seen this



Jun 22, 2012
In the sky
So 9-11 is actually 7-11 because Sept is seven, although it's the ninth month and the buildings that fell were buildings 7 and the II towers, which gives you 7-11.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
anyone else thinks these mars pictures are just taken in the desert somewhere on earth?

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
great thread.

ain't really nothing left to say in here.

THe Bible tells the story of earth's creation twice in Genesis, with God making shyt in a different order both times. Nobody talks about it, though. lol

Every culture has a story where the gods got pissed and destroyed the earth with water, leaving only a few survivors. The oldest one is Gilgamesh.

A map of meteor impacts on earth before a certain time shows that all the impacts are clustered together at certain points and also along certain points of continental coasts. Much like tactical missile strikes. Australia is littered with them.

Oddly enough, no meteor has ever been recorded hitting Greenland. Ever.

I'm pretty sure everyone who's entered this thread knows about the the Mahabharata and Ramayana stories from ancient India, right.

HIV/AIDS isn't the first so-called "man made" disease thought to be used to wipe out a specific people. Which is why Sickle Cell can only be passed by two human trait carriers...... but people with Sickle Cell can't be infected with Malaria.

Ever hear of the Georgia Guidestones? Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia except for killing off 7/8 of the human race and limiting population to 500 million, it doesn't sound half bad. I wonder what's in that time capsule....

yeah that's all I got. there's some stuff with races and cultures, but I'm not getting into that right now.
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Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
anyone else thinks these mars pictures are just taken in the desert somewhere on earth?

I think about it sometimes....

just like I think that they could put any foreigner on TV speaking his native language.... claim that he's saying he's gonna bomb the US.

Dude could prolly be talking about making the trains run on time or how much he hates Skylar on Breaking Bad for all we know.

But we don't know.

So if the government decided to kill a shytload of it's own people and blame it on the dude hating on Skylar in his native language, We as Americans will believe it. Just because the TV told us to.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
I think about it sometimes....

just like I think that they could put any foreigner on TV speaking his native language.... claim that he's saying he's gonna bomb the US.

Dude could prolly be talking about making the trains run on time or how much he hates Skylar on Breaking Bad for all we know.

But we don't know.

So if the government decided to kill a shytload of it's own people and blame it on the dude hating on Skylar in his native language, We as Americans will believe it. Just because the TV told us to.
Man I be thinking this shyt all the time.. like the media can throw any old beaded man with a turbin sitting Indian style on a pillow and say to the American public that this is the scariest man alive and we wouldn't know dude from jack shyt so we believe them.

-how about those drug seizures on the news. they just show a mountain of cash and wrapped up bricks of coke and say, "In today's news the largest drug bust of the century happened today, the DEA and ICE seized $50 million dollars worth of blah blah blah..."

They show that shyt to make us feel like the war on drugs is working and in full effect. But for all we know that footage could've been from eight years ago