Not really feeling the merged threads.
Michael Jackson would be in his early 50's.
Jackson 5 brothers are in the late 50's.
Janet is about 45.
Katherine is in her 80's.
The MJ heirs are young teenagers.
The Heirs are all worth $1B - a piece.
MJ estate is solvent and not in any debt at this time.
MJ has extra offshore assets and trust funds in middle east UAE, which is not subject to certain US estate taxes. A Prince of Dubai? confirmed when MJ funeral, that MJ heirs would be compensated at an agreed time, as per MJ previous ironclad instructions. Oil Money? Swiss diamonds? Cayman accounts? TBD.
If Grandma is coming to that point in life, she has to consider ALL HER grandkids.
The MJ lawyers are eager to separate the kids from the family - before they turn 18, or grandma leaves.
MJ wanted his money to provide for charity efforts, he knew the money was a time bomb for his family name.
In CALI, a registered MINOR CHILD ACTRESS can be emancipated by age 16 with a previous record of guardian negligence or abuse. Paris was recently talking about starting an acting career right? Janet publicly disapproved because she feels MJ heirs were not meant to work and be in show business like they all were, they lack the necessary DISCIPLINE and SECURITY(Suzanne De Passe, Berry Gordy, Diana Ross, Quincy Jones, etc) Who will mentor MJ heirs to survive in this new industry, where the desperate fake industry views them simply as a $1B meal plan? The Jackson 5 were treated as 2nd place to the Partridges and Osmonds back in the day.
Paris on twitter broadcasting that they were going unsupervised for days, and she got grown and called the LAPD to throw her aunts and uncles off THEIR PROPERTY as trespassers.
Grandma has a slim time to convert custody to a younger more relateable guardian, Tito son is young and unbiased enough to take over until MJ heirs all turn 18 and inherit.
THE LAWYERS ARE NOT ABOVE SCHEMING ON THE HEIRS TO GET THEM OUT OF THE PICTURE PERMANENTLY - see how Arnold and Travolta kids turned out, Anna Nicole son too?
We never see Hiltons, Trumps, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Buffetts, Gates, Jobs, Sugar Hill, Simmons, Waltons (WalMart), Phillip Morris, Busch/Budweisers, Perot, Prescott Bushes, even Kardasians -- ARGUING IN THE PUBLIC and they have way more heirs and assets than the Jacksons.
The Jacksons have to keep the heirs out of jail or rehab until they live to inherit MJ estate assets - AT ALL COSTS.
Interesting how old is Paris Jackson?