Commandah N Chiefah
government destabiliser
any of u fellaz have any karma u wanna resolve in this lifetime now is the time 2 start
What u brehs think about Wernher Von Braun?
Dr. Wernher Von Braun Saw Alien Bodies/Craft from Roswell Crash-UFO Casebook Files
Ancient Aliens: Aliens And The Third Reich (S2/E5) - YouTube
any of u fellaz have any karma u wanna resolve in this lifetime now is the time 2 start
Washington Times Breaks U.S. Media Blackout On Bilderberg
Washington Times Breaks U.S. Media Blackout On Bilderberg
Washington Post fails to mention the fact that dozens of hugely influential power brokers are meeting in their own back yard
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The U.S. media blackout on Bilderberg has been broken, with the Washington Times being the first mainstream U.S. news outlet to cover the gathering of over 100 power brokers in Chantilly, Virginia which kicks off today – but the Washington Post remains mute.
The Times reports that a half-mile security perimeter has been set up around the Westfields Marriott hotel and that a photographer for the newspaper was told by police, “any attempt to get close to the building would result in arrest.”
It’s all part of the unprecedented security crackdown now in force to protect global financiers, banking heads, media and technology moguls as well as elected officials from the very public whose lives are affected by their decisions.
“This year, it’s the biggest ever. The security is leveraged up big time. It’s unprecedented,” Alex Jones told the newspaper.
Despite the fact that dozens of the most powerful and influential people on the planet are meeting today in their own back yard, the Washington Post, which itself is routinely represented at Bilderberg via its publisher Donald Graham, has failed to even mention the event thus far.
Expect the Post to only report on the conference once it’s wrapped up. Bilderberg relies on big media to ignore their meetings so as not to draw more press attention while the summit is in progress.
As we reported yesterday, Redford, a prominent global warming alarmist, will scheme with Bilderbergers on the best way to implement Agenda 21 using the threat of ecological crises.
Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith, who was previously characterized as a national embarrassment by Redford for daring to question the official mantra behind climate change, savaged Redford for not paying for the trip herself.
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell being interviewed about it....
"Bilderberg 2012: the technocrats are rising at this year's annual conference"
It's all change at Bilderberg this year, with a new chairman, new media and Occupy Bilderberg knocking at the gates.
Everything's set. The hotel is being primped and hoovered, the security is arriving, the press is nowhere to be seen, and I just had a really boring crab salad. It's shaping up to be a vintage Bilderberg.
We were lunching in the Palm Court restaurant of the Westfields Marriott hotel, in Chantilly, Virginia. A few days from now, this hotel will be dripping with billionaires and bankers, industry CEOs and finance ministers, here for the annual Bilderberg summit. "The leaders of the world are coming to our hotel", beams one member of staff. "Are you here for the brunch?"
We are. Most of the other guests have left by now. The hotel is edging towards lockdown. All that's left is a team of nervy conference organizer who start filming us with their iPhones, several dozen security operatives, me, my wife and a really rather boring 'spook', brunching on an adjacent table.
He droned on for the full length of a crab salad about his "internal and external drivers", about how "I got a panel of three-star admirals together" to secure a "$30m contract" and how "CACI excels in capture management".
He talked fondly of CACI International Inc (a giant defense contractor), although more recently he's had "a nice success rate with Booz Allen" (another giant defense contractor). His world was the deathly dull blur between the federal government and private defense corporations. The grim feeding trough of "systems solutions", "security logistics" and "mission assurance". My crab ended just as he was declaring, wisely: "When you leave the navy and you go to a contractor, you say: what's my mission?"
His mission for the next week or so is to keep the queen of the Netherlands, the chairman of Barclays, and the chairman, vice-chairman and CEO of Shell Oil safe and sound for a three-day conference. The hotel is encircled by the offices of the world's largest arms' manufacturers, 15 minutes up the road from the headquarters of the CIA. I suspect they'll be OK.
Bilderberg Releases Official Attendee List And Press Release
May 31, 2012
In an uncharacteristic move, the official Bilderberg Meeting website has released a press release and attendee list for 2012 before the conference has officially started. Both are posted below:
Press Release:
The 60th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Chantilly, Virginia, USA from 31 May – 3 June 2012. The Conference will deal mainly with political, economic and societal issues like Transatlantic Relations, Evolution of the Political Landscape in Europe and the US, Austerity and Growth in Developed Economies, Cyber Security, Energy Challenges, the Future of Democracy, Russia, China and the Middle East.
Approximately 145 participants will attend of whom about two-thirds come from Europe and the balance from North America and other countries. About one-third is from government and politics, and two-thirds are from finance, industry, labor, education, and communications. The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and open discussion.
Bilderberg takes its name from the hotel in Holland, where the first meeting took place in May 1954. That pioneering meeting grew out of the concern expressed by leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe and North America were not working together as closely as they should on common problems of critical importance. It was felt that regular, off-the-record discussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period.
The Cold War has now ended. But in practically all respects there are more, not fewer, common problems – from trade to jobs, from monetary policy to investment, from ecological challenges to the task of promoting international security. It is hard to think of any major issue in either Europe or North America whose unilateral solution would not have repercussions for the other.
Thus the concept of a European-American forum has not been overtaken by time. The dialogue between these two regions is still – even increasingly – critical.
Purported remarks at a Bilderberg Group meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany in June 1991, The remarks are said to have been printed in several right-wing French publications shortly thereafter; as quoted in Programming, Pitfalls and Puppy-Dog Tales (1993) by Gyeorgos C. Hatonn, p. 65. Skepticism is in order for the accuracy or attribution of alleged remarks from these exclusive meetings, particularly those which could be manifestations of either satire, sarcasm — or outright fraudulance.We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.