Thanks breh...i'll spend this afternoon watching this. And Rugbyman if your troll post was directed at me, trust me, I have no intention to derail the thread. I come to this thread once a day to lurk it for interesting info. I just call out the ridiculous when it sounds just that, ridiculous. I would've thought it'd serve the thread better to keep what could be called ghost stories away and only focus on genuinely peculiar stuff, no?
anyway, yeah about the Spinx. Didn't they find out a couple years ago that one of the paws was hollow and that there box shaped objects inside of it after they scanned it? And they were never allowed to dig into it to find out what it was that was inside the paw? I'll try and find the news articles and videos i've watched on it because that was somestuff to me.
The spinx is meant to be really 12,000-36,000 years old just by going on the water erosion lines that can be found on the spinx. It really annoys me how the Egyptians have got in the way of finding out the real truth about their heritage for the sake of a couple tourist dollars.
I was referring to the trolling that was going on a couple of pages back.
Supposedly they've found a lot of stuff under the Sphinx, but they haven't found this Hall of Records I was referring to; its not meant to be found yet. The entire Giza Plateau is full of underground tunnels and chambers that still haven't been discovered. From Drunvalo Melchizadek: "the right paw of the Sphinx is the opening to the Hall of Records... there are physcial objects hidden in a room underground neear the Sphinx that absolutely prove that there were advanced cultures on this planet long before us.... these objects will prove the existence of these advanced cultures as far back as five and a half million years. In comparison, our level of culture is but a child to these ancient cultures."
The original person that discovered the water erosion on the Sphinx was Schwaller de Lubicz. He estimated that the Sphinx had to at least be 10-15 thousand years old, and built during a time when Egypt was a tropical rainforest. Obviously, the Egyptian archeaologists refused to listen to him and tried to discredit him, even though he had tangible, measurable proof. Another guy named John Anthony West picked up Lubiscz's work, and verified his calculations were correct, but the Egyptians still weren't having it. The shyt boils down to religion (and control). The Koran states that creation began about 6000 years ago. So if they admit that there were intelligent civilizations that pre-date that, its going against their religious beliefs, and we know how sensitive Muslims are about that shyt. Any structures in Egypt that are older than 6000 years are on lockdown and are under military control now.