Essential Conspiracy Thread


Jul 22, 2014
Oh they killed us off brehs?

Conspiracy's don't exist and white supremacy isn't real....:upsetfavre:

Cacs/Jews never did anything conspiratorial to keep black people down over the last 200 years....:leostare:

Everything has been fair and out in the open so if you don't agree straight to the bushes for you.....:ufdup:

Put a tinfoil hat on all you conspiracy theorist, every single damn one of you.....


Jul 22, 2014
Conspiracy's don't exist and white supremacy isn't real....:upsetfavre:

Cacs/Jews never did anything conspiratorial to control wealth or keep black people down over the last 200 years....:leostare:

Everything has been fair and out in the open so if you don't agree straight to the bushes for you.....:ufdup:

Put a tinfoil hat on all you conspiracy theorist, every single damn one of you.....


Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013

EPA debunks 'chemtrails,' further fueling conspiracy theories
The EPA has weighed in on the 'chemtrails' controversy, saying it is 'not aware of any deliberate actions to release chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere.' Still, the theory persists.

By Brad Knickerbocker March 14, 2015 9:06 AM

They’re etched across the sky at high altitude, lines of white, ethereal substance gradually dispersing into wisps and eventually disappearing.

Aviation officials call them “contrails” – condensation trails of frozen water vapor that’s part of the exhaust from aircraft engines, harmless byproducts of flight. Others insist that they’re “chemtrails” – chemical or biological agents sprayed from above for secret or even sinister purposes, such as changing the weather or controlling populations.

Now, the US Environmental Protection Agency has weighed in on the side of what critics of chemtrail conspiracies call reason and science.

The EPA does note one potentially harmful effect of contrails: “Contrail cloudiness might contribute to human-induced climate change. Climate change may have important impacts on public health and environmental protection.” That will depend on flight traffic and routes in coming decades as well as other weather changes tied to global warming.

Such assertions do not satisfy the proponents of theories about chemtrails, some of whom hold other beliefs about shadowy attempts by big government to control peoples’ lives.

Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research at the Anti-Defamation League, who has studied antigovernment radical groups for many years, points to the case of Jerad and Amanda Miller – the couple who shot and killed two police officers at lunch and a third person in a Las Vegas Wal-Mart before being killed themselves.

“If you examine Jerad Miller’s Facebook page, you will see his references to the New World Order, as well as all the subsidiary conspiracy theories: that the government will declare martial law, that it will or already has set up concentration camps for Americans, that there will be gun confiscation, that the government is poisoning the American people using chemtrails, etc.,” Mr. Pitcavage told the Monitor last summer.

Of course, most believers in chemtrails are not violent criminals nor do they necessarily hold to other government conspiracies. But they do insist that what appears to be simple water vapor from aircraft exhaust, crystallized at high altitude, is something else.

Under the headline “Chemtrails Exposed: A History of the New Manhattan Project,” Peter Kirby of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Quebec recently writes: “Evidence suggests that today’s chemtrail spraying operations consist of airplanes saturating our atmosphere with nano-sized particles influenced by electromagnetic energy for the purpose of weather modification.”

“Motives are plenty. Most notably, significant direct benefits can be gained by playing financial markets which rise and fall with the weather such as the weather derivatives and catastrophe reinsurance markets; not to mention agricultural and energy commodities,” Mr. Kirby writes. “Weather routinely changes the course of human history. It determines what we do every day. It determines the outcomes of wars and influences elections. Control of the weather is God-like power. Money and power junkies want it.”

The web site includes a lively discussion of chemtrails.

Still, most scientists side with the EPA.

“Chemtrails are said to last much longer than normal contrails from before 1995, but proponents are curiously oblivious of photographs of long-lasting contrails from as far back as World War II,” writes Dave Thomas, research scientist at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, in the journal Skeptical Inquirer. “The supposedly ominous ‘grid patterns’ of contrails are easily explained as the expected effect of wind movement across frequently used east/west and north/south aircraft travel lanes. And one of the defining characteristics of ‘chemtrails’ – gaps in the trails, supposedly caused by turning the ‘sprayers’ on and off – is quite simply explained as normal humidity variations in the atmosphere.”

EPA scientists may reject the notion of chemical or biological agents released into the atmosphere. But if you have any doubts, they say, “Please email us at or call the contrail information line at 734-214-4432.”

Full disclosure: Monitor staff writer Brad Knickerbocker is a former military pilot who flew jets in the US Navy.

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Dec 30, 2013

The thing is by the time you're old enough to think critically about these things, you've had so many fake sanitized tragedies forced down your throat by the mass media that you don't have anything real to compare it to. You can;t make your own mind up.

Take a trip down to liveleak and watch videos of real tragedies. There are people collapsing where they stand wailing at the top of their lungs at the realization that they've just lost everything loved and cared about. Everybody's screaming and wailing and clutching each other. Grown men lying in the middle of the street blubbering like babies. Look at the aftermath videos of the bombings in the Middle East. That is real pain.

Now compare that to those clips of people milling around for hours at the school and firehouse. Or the dad laughing and joking seconds before he gets on live air and starts shedding crocodile tears. I can't imagine a man doing that after the death of a dog he cared about, let alone his little girl.

Watching videos of people who got their dogs shot by police, you get the sense that they suffered a bigger tragedy than the Sandy Hook parents.


Dec 30, 2013
They choose sandy hook because the bigger lie is easier to believe than the smaller lie. Notice how pretty much everybody is questioning those two cops shot in ferguson. It wasn't big enough or gruesome enough to bypass the rational center of the brain. Nobody buys it. Now if, for example, they had burned alive the families and children of several police officers, no one would doubt that was real. The emotional reaction would be too strong for critical thinking.

Plus most people just can't imagine the people we depend on every day to lead and govern us doing something so gruesome and horrible. Their mistake.


Jul 22, 2014
The thing is by the time you're old enough to think critically about these things, you've had so many fake sanitized tragedies forced down your throat by the mass media that you don't have anything real to compare it to. You can;t make your own mind up.

Take a trip down to liveleak and watch videos of real tragedies. There are people collapsing where they stand wailing at the top of their lungs at the realization that they've just lost everything loved and cared about. Everybody's screaming and wailing and clutching each other. Grown men lying in the middle of the street blubbering like babies. Look at the aftermath videos of the bombings in the Middle East. That is real pain.

Now compare that to those clips of people milling around for hours at the school and firehouse. Or the dad laughing and joking seconds before he gets on live air and starts shedding crocodile tears. I can't imagine a man doing that after the death of a dog he cared about, let alone his little girl.

Watching videos of people who got their dogs shot by police, you get the sense that they suffered a bigger tragedy than the Sandy Hook parents.

I understand your point.