Montauk Project Victim Speaks Out: Greys, Reptilians, Time Travel & Mind Control Experiments
Here’s an interview with an individual named Andy Pero. I met Pero personally through Preston Nichols, author of several books about the Montauk Project which Nichols was personally involved in.
A section of our book “PHOENIX UNDEAD: The Montauk Project And Camp Hero Today”featured an autobiographical sketch by Pero, identified by the pseudonym ‘Mr. Coffee” in the book.
Here’s more recent information from the survivor of horrendous mind control programming directly connected to the infamous Montauk Project operations; activities which also included some of the most advanced experimental work into relativistic and quantum physics which has ever been done, including interdimensional and time travel experiments.
In particular, Pero’s comments and insights about what he was involved in at Montauk, such as with the so-called ‘Montauk chair,” are extremely interesting and provide additional, fresh insight into this most extraordinary and concept-shattering project and the technology utilized therein.
An exclusive interview with Andy Pero, survivor of a secret mind control project aimed at creating the super soldier with psionic abilities.

Here’s an interview with an individual named Andy Pero. I met Pero personally through Preston Nichols, author of several books about the Montauk Project which Nichols was personally involved in.
A section of our book “PHOENIX UNDEAD: The Montauk Project And Camp Hero Today”featured an autobiographical sketch by Pero, identified by the pseudonym ‘Mr. Coffee” in the book.
Here’s more recent information from the survivor of horrendous mind control programming directly connected to the infamous Montauk Project operations; activities which also included some of the most advanced experimental work into relativistic and quantum physics which has ever been done, including interdimensional and time travel experiments.
In particular, Pero’s comments and insights about what he was involved in at Montauk, such as with the so-called ‘Montauk chair,” are extremely interesting and provide additional, fresh insight into this most extraordinary and concept-shattering project and the technology utilized therein.

An exclusive interview with Andy Pero, survivor of a secret mind control project aimed at creating the super soldier with psionic abilities.