Essential Conspiracy Thread


May 4, 2012


Aliens are REAL reveals former Area 51 scientist who insists they're friendly & helping us

Former Area 51 scientist Dr Boyd Bushman spoke about the aliens in a documentary shortly before his death - watch here


A scientist has revealed that aliens are real.

Dr Boyd Bushman - who used to work at Area 51 - opened up about his career in studying UFOs and alien life at the secretive base in a documentary filmed just before he died.

"With respect to the alien craft, we have American citizens who are working on UFOs 24 hours a day.

"We are trying to learn what to do."

The former senior scientist describes that the aliens we know of can be split into two groups.

"There are two groups of aliens," describes. "They divide them into two groups. It’s like a cattle ranch.


"One group are wranglers, and the others are rustlers – the stealers of cattle. The ones that are wranglers are much more friendly, and have a better relationship with us."

He describes the aliens as five feet tall and says that "one or two of them are around 230 years old".

He goes on to reveal that 'at least 18 operate with our facility'.

While their eyes and noses are different from humans, Dr Boyd reveals that they still have five fingers and five toes but they are telepathic mind readers.

"They're able to use their own voice by telepathy to talk to you," he reveals.

He also added that the aliens were dressed in dungarees so they could be grabbed when they started to float.

Watch the full documentary below.


May 4, 2012
this is great

His career spanned over forty years, and he was awarded 28 patents.[2] His work included defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin

Patent No. Patent Title
6,606,578 System and method for electromagnetic propulsion fan
6,411,001 Variable ratio angled magnetic drive
6,028,434 Method and apparatus for detecting emitted radiation from interrupted electrons
5,999,652 Plume or combustion detection by time sequence differentiation of images over a selected time interval
5,982,180 Metal detection system and process using a high voltage to produce a visible electrical discharge
5,929,732 Apparatus and method for amplifying a magnetic beam
5,836,549 Airfoil leading edge with cavity
5,793,889 Plume or combustion detection by time sequence differentiation
5,775,635 Aircraft engine nozzle
5,726,798 Method and apparatus for filter infrared emission
5,680,135 Radiation communication system
5,637,946 Thermally energized electrical power source
5,590,014 Method and apparatus for supplying electric power
5,543,917 Object detector
5,542,247 Apparatus powered using laser supplied energy
5,514,926 Power transfer apparatus and method
5,511,044 Thrust producing apparatus
5,504,486 Detection system
5,497,156 Towed target
5,492,010 Position identification device using an accelerometer
5,452,089 Object locator
5,430,448 Object detection system
5,428,221 Heat radiation detection system
5,420,588 Wave attenuation
5,404,225 Object detector
5,384,802 Laser apparatus
5,345,308 Object discriminator
5,264,916 Object detection system