Compared to white women the average 22 year old Black woman is Ratchet- @kingofnyc

3rd Ward Swangin

May 11, 2014
I sonned because you deserved it. Clearly your own mommy missed the mark, and I know your father had no influence or else you wouldn’t be back and forth with females on message board, emoting like a 12 yr old white girl on Facebook live. pick what’s left of your dyck, while you maintain what’s left of your manhood. Someone had to teach you. I’m giving you an out while you have it since you sound like you’re about 10 seconds away from coming out the closet. And that’s “Nicole”, spell it correctly next time.
Hoe babble from Nicholas the transgender.


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
your own words and post were used in the OP. What you said and meant were pretty straight forward

No it wasn’t

my OP had absolutely positively nothing to do with ONLY singling out black women, it was referring to ALL women in her age range

the fact that you made this bullshyt thread and didn’t even put my post and chronological order proves my point - fukkbio

after watching the video of her that you posted in the thread u made about her - the first 2 things that came to my mind was her article with her stepbrother telling him she is looking & really wanted to be with a black rapper.... just after that, the person to came to my mind was blueface and all the fukkery that just happened at his crib with a whole bunch of ratcheted refrigerator shape Mexican girls , bullying a sister ; getting into fights with other box shaped Mexicans and then going on IG/Facebook live to talk a bunch of shyt about the situation that is the definition of ratchetness

the only reason BW was mentioned was my reply to a black female poster who is in an interracial relationship where I trplurd with the clip of them Chicago girls acting a damn fool at the gas station then in the streets then going to the party where it supposedly was 1000 people

so u can GTFOH with your fukkbio shyt & change your username back and put Beyoncé in your avi

bytch ass nikka :camby:


Feb 12, 2015
For black women its actually going down and going up for white women.

Inadvertent pro black post :ohhh:
Here’s the article just in case anybody is interested. Blk dudes who worship white chicks are being bamboozled by the mythos of white female purity. Combine these issues with white privilege obscuring their pathology (I.e. remember white chicks not getting screened for stds due to racism) and drug addition, and you have all the makings of a perfect storm while blk dudes ignorantly sitting there actually believing white man’s ice is colder. The sad part is, blk dudes setting themselves up to be scapegoated for white female fukkery. When shyt hits the fan, they gon say perfect innocent Beckies were being turned out by the wicked blk male and those black drug dealers and that hip hop culture.:snoop: They not going to hold white chicks accountable.
People do not see the writing on the wall.

White women are going to prison at a higher rate than ever before

But the black female imprisonment rate then began falling and has kept doing so to this day, whereas the white female rate continued the rise it began 30 years ago. Activists who think the prison population can be cut by 50 percent are sometimes dismissed as unrealistic, yet this is precisely what black women experienced over the past 15 years. In contrast, the current rate of white female imprisonment (52 per 100,000) is almost certainly a high.
Black women remain imprisoned at a higher rate than white women, but the gap has shrunk from about 7 to 1 in 1985 to about 2 to 1 in 2015. Because whites are a much larger population, the increase in white female imprisonment has easily refilled the prison cells that black women have been vacating. At the end of 2015, white women (52,700) outnumbered black women (21,700) in prison by about 2.5 to 1.
This stunning change in the racial makeup of the female inmate population mirrors and may well be at least partially caused by changes on other indicators of economic and physical well-being. Over recent decades, life expectancy among women without a college education has increased for blacks but decreased for whites. Problems with alcohol — the drug most closely linked to arrests, violence and incarceration — are up among white women but down among black women. White woman have also been disproportionately affected by the methamphetamine and prescription opioid epidemics, both of which raise the risk of contact with the criminal justice system.

Rollo Goodlove

Palestine Titty
Oct 25, 2014
California, America
Fuk you too bytch. Shut the fuk up if that’s all you have to say. Prove it faggit. Your bytch dyckless ass can’t accept the fact that a REAL FEMALE with confidence put you in your place, so that bytch with a dyck shyt is your only retort as it makes you comfortable because that’s who your bum ass fuks with behind the scenes, you penis pervert deviant. Nothing but projection. Fukkin bum - you walk on the street calling every female that pulls your card, a “man”?? - insecure whiny crybaby back and forth bantering bytchmade no manly qualities having dumb fuk. You can’t even back up what you talk or come with any factuals - so busy backing that ass up for other men on your bandwagon. Don’t be mad bc i tamed you, wipe the cum off your mouth and pull your skirt down, then you wouldn’t have these problems. Stay in your lane. Named yourself “south side swanging” - bullshyt - the only thing you sling is dyck at other men with your sissy weak responses. Be the first dudes to call women in here “trans” that get caught up or exposed cross dressing or Criss crossing their legs on that homo shyt. Now how’s that for femininity??you want what I have but you can’t get it. Hold that.
she said in a deep ass voice


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
nikkas get infractions but lsa has post wishing death on black men and they get hundreds of likes. It just shows how nikkas have been brainwashed by their mothers to hate black men just like the women do. Corey holcombe always speaks on this.

upload a photo

Black women get too much passes in the c00n department. You even got SIMPS on here who think it’s ok for it to slide because we are men.


In real life I make life a living hell for bytches who want to play the c00n game. Imma bully.

3rd Ward Swangin

May 11, 2014
some of the biggest c00ns on TV are from the south especially political figures which is by far more dangerous than some random poster on the coli.
Compare a city to multiple states:russ::mjlol:
Please do better with the generalizing. You have to make it make sense:comeon: