Will this season be the equivalent of the 3rd season of Chappelle's Show?
You mean the one that was never properly edited, produced, or finished and aired simply for ratings WITHOUT Dave Chappelle's consent?

Nahhhhh I don't think so...
Good episode for a season premier, they went with a high concept episode to prove that the show hasn't lost its "uniqueness" with the departure of Hardon and probably to assure fans that they weren't overhauling the quirky humor, I felt that Abed's "Happy Place" vision of the cliched sitcom world was the show's subtle jab at that. I'd rate it a solid 8/10.
I don't know if I like the Troy/Britta pairing, ESPECIALLY since we know that Britta/Jeff is the main romantic pairing of the show, but their scene at the fountain was funny..