Dirty Mcdrawz

Your girl loves em....
May 3, 2012
WAIT!? WHAT!!???


You mean to tell me that they canceled Almost Human but is keeping that damn garbage ass Mindy Project!?

:whoa: :whoa:...........................................:whoa:.............................:beeazy: breh mindy project is dope
May 11, 2014
didn't cougar town get picked up by tbs from abc? community could get picked up by them or comedy central?

Mr Rager

Leader of the Delinquents
Feb 9, 2014
Didn't watch after Donald the gawd left. I imagine it was kind of like The Office without Michael Scott :yeshrug:


We The North
May 25, 2012
T Dot
Why a Community resurrection is extraordinarily unlikely—though not impossible
Sometimes, it’s okay to let things go
By Todd VanDerWerff

May 12, 2014 9:00 AM
All through this long weekend after NBC so cruelly cut down Community, the cry has gone out over social media to anyone who will listen: Somebody needs to resurrect Community! And while I can share those sentiments—in that it would be cool for the show to get one last season to wrap things up on its own terms—I’m fairly certain it won’t happen. Here are some of the reasons why.

Community was just too successful: Think of the shows that have been resurrected after cancellation in recent years, shows like Cougar Town andBreaking In and Unforgettable. Or think, even, of how the most serious efforts by studios to save their shows this year are coming from Warner Bros. trying to resurrect Suburgatory and 20th Century Fox trying to find a new home forFriends With Better Lives. All of these shows had one major thing in common: They were in their first three seasons of life. Community is not. If it gets another season, it will be the show’s sixth. It already has syndication deals in place, and seasons beyond season six would get more and more expensive, prohibitively so for a network or streaming service that probably can’t afford what NBC was paying for the show. Plus, Sony doesn’t stand to make that much more money with an additional 13 episodes in the syndication package. The primary reason for the show to be brought back isn’t money. It’s for some fledgling cable network or streaming service to make a name for itself. And that’s unlikely because…

Community’s syndication and streaming deals are already in place: While it’s theoretically possible for, say, Netflix to resurrect the show, it’s not going to happen for one simple reason: Hulu owns the rights to stream the first five seasons of the show, and it’s almost certainly not giving those rights up. Similarly, Comedy Central owns the cable rerun rights to the show for the foreseeable future. Both of these deals would expire well after the actors’ contracts are up over the summer. Sony would need to either sell the show to one of the two places that have contractual rights to the old broadcasts, or it would need to find a new partner that wouldn’t mind that the rerun rights would revert to Hulu and Comedy Central after a certain period of time (likely one TV season). While it makes a certain amount of sense for fans to barrage Netflix, since the service resurrected Arrested Development and The Killing, both of those shows were not already locked into the sorts of deals Community is. All of which brings us to…

Hulu is unlikely to have the money to resurrect the program: This is the great unknown of the whole situation, because nobody’s quite sure just how much spare cash Hulu has to spend on program development. For the most part, Hulu spends that money on programming far cheaper than Community would be (even a Community on a reduced budget) and on foreign acquisitions. Yes, the site is coming off an enormously successful year, but producing a season of television costs a lot of money. Netflix has that money. Amazon has that money. Does Hulu? If it really wants Community, we’ll find out. But if it doesn’t, it’s difficult to imagine one of the other streaming services (even Amazon, which is desperate to make a splash) ponying up when those same episodes would turn up on one of their chief competitors just months later. But what about cable? I’m glad you asked.

While a cable resurrection is slightly more likely in a financial sense, it’s hard to imagine the partner that would sign on with Sony: The list of cable networks that might want to pick up a show like this is very, very short. Comedy Central is probably where Sony will have to go first to discuss more episodes, because of its preexisting deals, but Comedy Central hasn’t seen much success in showing reruns of the program, if the way they’ve bounced all over the schedule is any indication. So from there we arrive at the few networks trying to break into comedy development that could conceivably throw around the cash to make this happen. And those are pretty much two: USA and IFC. USA might have the money, and it must be a little sore about not picking up Happy Endings last year, given how fantastically its original comedies are tanking in the ratings. But does it really need a sixth season of a show that its corporate partner passed on? Probably not. In terms of IFC, it’s hard to imagine the financials working, even for a shortened season of, say, 10 episodes. The network is young and hungry, but young and hungry often equals having less cash to throw around. (Ironically, the best network partner for this sort of thing would probably be NBC, which could, conceivably, realize its bench needed one more player on it for midseason. This will not happen.) Although maybe…

Could a cable network partner with Hulu to split the license fee? Sure. Again, it’s theoretically possible. Is it likely? Not really. But if Community comes back, this is the scenario under which I would imagine it happening: Hulu agrees to foot most of the bill and gets to air the episodes first, but then a cable partner gets to air the episodes’ “broadcast debut” a few days later. Again, it’s not likely, but it’s the sort of thing that could maybe happen if everybody wanted to make it happen. But, ultimately…

Does Dan Harmon want to make more Community? Along with the question of just how much money Hulu has, this is the biggest question standing in the way of the show getting more episodes. Deadline reports that Harmon isn’t so into the idea of more episodes of the show, what with Rick And Morty’s existence and all, but it’s also not like Deadline possesses a device that can read Dan Harmon’s mind, since it pretty much just listened to Harmontown. Plus, Harmon himselfsaid last night that he was more open to a resurrection than he had been on Friday. But will he be when the chips are down? Who knows! Fans of Sports Nightand Arrested Development often don’t know that deals to produce a third and fourth season of both shows were on the table from HBO and Showtime, respectively, before both Aaron Sorkin and Mitch Hurwitz bowed out, choosing to focus on other projects instead. Both deals died. Nobody will want to resurrectCommunity for what will likely be just one more season without Dan Harmon, not even with his blessing this time. It’s Community with Harmon, or it’s nothing. Plus…

But what about Kickstarter? This seems unlikely, for the simple reason that the legal headaches for a major corporation to put something on Kickstarter would need to be completely worked through, and that would take more time than the actors’ contracts are likely to allow.

So another season of Community is unlikely. But that’s okay, for one simple reason.

The show had a tremendous run: Community made it to five seasons and ran 97 episodes, far more than the vast majority of TV shows ever have. It had, by any stretch of the imagination, a terrific run, particularly when one considers how close it came to cancellation so many times. Is it really worth potentially sullying that reputation for a handful of additional episodes, particularly when it could be fun to see all involved stretch their wings? Will I watch more episodes ofCommunity if they come along? Undoubtedly. And I’ll likely enjoy them, too. But everything—even TV shows—has to end, and Community is at a point where its legacy is secure. Why mess with that?

One should never say never when it comes to Sony, which has been responsible for many of the most unlikely renewals and resurrections in the TV world these last many years. After all, this is the studio that got Til Death to over 80 episodes after Fox pulled it from the schedule a handful of episodes into season two. Could Sony get more Community on the air? Sure. But why should it have to? Communitywas a great show, one of the best of its era. But new shows—sometimes from the same people—will rise up to take its place. They always do. If it proves to be time to let it go for once and for all, don’t let that be a sad thing. Let that be, instead, a celebration of all that the show was so good at—including telling stories about letting things come to a peaceful, natural end.

Why a Community resurrection is extraordinarily unlikely—though not impossible For Our Consideration The A.V. Club

:to:I'm heart broken, brehs. We won't get to see a Jeff/Britta wedding. Duncan and Hickey spin off. Troy's return. Abed and Annie hook up. Painball part 3. etc etc.


Jun 3, 2012
Didn't watch after Donald the gawd left. I imagine it was kind of like The Office without Michael Scott :yeshrug:
I agree with this slightly but there were still some really strong episodes after he left. Season 5 as whole was well worth watching But his absence was definitely felt. Abed without Troy just isn't that funny and can border on being flat out annoying.
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We The North
May 25, 2012
T Dot
Hulu might resurrect Community, and then again, it might not

By Todd VanDerWerff

May 29, 2014 7:00 AM
Both Deadline and Vulture are reporting that Sony Pictures Television has entered into “conversations” with streaming service Hulu about one more, 13-episode season of Community, presumably to debut sometime in the fall or winter of the next TV season. As Vulture notes, “conversations” are very different from “negotiations,” which would imply a deal is likely to close. But at the very least, somebody is talking to somebody about bringing the show back. The chief advantage to Hulu resurrecting the show right now is that it would still have the actors under contract for less money than it would cost to hire them in a few years (most likely). The chief disadvantage is that a series in its sixth season is likely going to be quite expensive for a streaming service that almost certainly has a lower operational budget than its two main competitors (Netflix and Amazon) and pretty much every TV network. Also, as A.V. Club contributor Myles McNutt notes, these sorts of reports are often floated in the press as a kind of negotiating tactic. They sometimes result in the unlikely resurrection of The Killing or Breaking In, and they sometimes result in nobody wanting Pan Am, the poor thing. (For another example, recall the frequent rumors from last year that USA was going to resurrect Happy Endings, until that, uh, didn’t happen.)

There are a number of reasons why Hulu would want to resurrect the show, but most of them boil down to the instant shot of credibility the network’s original programming would get from providing another season of a beloved yet canceled cult comedy. Netflix’s arrival on the scene was marked by how it outbid several other outlets for House Of Cards, but it was solidified by the fact that it resurrected Arrested Development, even if neither project has been as critically acclaimed as Orange Is The New Black. Similarly, every time it seems likeHannibal might be canceled, the rumor mill heats up suggesting that Amazon would love the series, as it would give the service a ready-made critical success. Earned credibility lasts longer than purchased credibility, but it’s not like the latter doesn’t exist. On the other hand, as we outlined here, Hulu is pretty much the only place where Community could be resurrected, and it’s not quite clear how much the service would want to spend—or could spend—on acquiring the series, when it could be spending that money on its own development slate.

So don’t celebrate just yet, but at the very least somebody at Sony has talked with somebody at Hulu about the possibility of Community coming back, even if it was just in the form of a note reading, “DO YOU WANT TO RESURRECT OUR SHOW, CHECK YES OR NO” passed to the site while mean old Mr. Greenblatt had his back turned.


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

There might be another player in the mix, however.


Community just received another obstacle in its path toward Six Seasons and a Movie, as talks between Sony and Hulu for keeping the comedy show alive reportedly fell through after roughly a month of negotiations.

According to TVLine, Hulu walked away from negotiations with Sony about Community, which was canceled by NBC after the show's fifth season this spring. Talks between the two companies began last month, with many thinking Hulu was the most likely avenue for Community to continue, given it already was the home of prior seasons.

However, an inside source states to TVLine that “Sony does not give up easily,” referencing that another player may be in the mix. And there are plenty of examples showing that Sony is aggressive about keeping their shows on the air in one way or the other.

Sony kept Community itself, plus series likes Rules of Engagement, and Til Death on for several years by making favorable deals with their respective networks. And the company also got DirecTV to pick up Damages after FX canceled the series, as well as managing to get Drop Dead Diva and Unforgettable resurrected by negotiating new agreements with Lifetime and CBS for those series.

As for the chances of Six Seasons and a Movie still happening for Community, there is a ticking clock situation here because the cast's current deals will expire on June 30th if a new home for the show is not found by then. However, TVLine's source says, "A lot can happen in one week."

Check out what Joel McHale told us about the possibility of Community returning when we spoke to him this past weekend:

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King Novak of Melbourne, the First of His Name
May 13, 2012
Community is alive! Thanks to Yahoo.... :dwillhuh:

Community Lives! Season 6 to Air on Yahoo Screen
By Michael Ausiello / June 30 2014, 2:45 PM PDT

Now we just need the movie!

In a remarkable 11th hour resurrection,Community — cancelled last month by NBC — will live on via Yahoo Screen, which has ordered a 13-episode 6th season.

“I am very pleased that Community will be returning for its predestined sixth season on Yahoo,” said series creator Dan Harmon in a statement. “I look forward to bringing our beloved NBC sitcom to a larger audience by moving it online. I vow to dominate our new competition. Rest easy, Big Bang Theory. Look out, Bang Bus!”

Added leading man Joel McHale, “The reports of our cancelation have been greatly exaggerated.” —Mark Twain (The other version of this quote has been wrong for years). #SixSeasonsAndaMovie is real. Thank you Sony. Thank you Yahoo. Thank you Dan Harmon. And thank you to the greatest f%$#ing fans in the history of the human race. It’s the internet. We can swear now.”

Kathy Savitt, CMO of Yahoo, cited the show’s “incredibly passionate and loyal fan base” as a factor in the show’s pickup, adding, “We couldn’t be more excited to work with Dan, Joel, and the entire cast, as well as Sony, to deliver a great season 6.”

News of Community‘s rescue comes just days after our report that Hulu had abandoned talks to acquire the series and mere hours before a July 1 deadline (which is when Sony’s hold on the actors was set to expire).