Facts. They never have shyt else to come up with so they resort to making up lies in playbook #3554764.6798 , never amounting to more than repeat of the same baseless rant, old washed up internet drone faggits. What type of a worthless bytchmade excuse of a man makes up lies (and the bandwagon dyckriders who can’t think for themselves parrot the lingo bc it’s a trend, see that one dude all geeked writing in capital letters, “NICOLE is !!!!,” fukkin spazz) that repeat the statement about a female that has never been caught up soliciting shyt, gotta love how uncomfortable and insecure they react when dealing with a woman out of their comfort zone; out of fear for what they don’t know and don’t get close enough to understand.
Makes you wonder what their offline activities are - I mean, wasn’t there just a thread a few days ago where 4 “men” were caught up with a scandal sexcort tr....nvm. Notice how they were absent from that though, never have a word to say on threads with real exposure which was actually proven, makes you think -a guilty conscience needs no accuser
What thread was that???
But at this point, people who pull that "Nicole is a man" BS to deflect racism, are agents or c00ns. They think that every chick is some IG thot with anti-accountability stances and some emotional wreck. They cannot fathom a black woman that is against the paradigm of bedwenching.