Stark is the dumbest . Then it's reed/ doom and bannerrank them from smartest to dumbest![]()
Stark is the dumbest . Then it's reed/ doom and bannerrank them from smartest to dumbest![]()
It was not for kicks. Doom had to do it cause he can make the hard choices. He'll reed saved galactus a dude who killed trillions. Smhshouldnt this go to doom now ... reed was smarter than doom when doom was mainly a FF villain
once he became bigger than that and is essentially someone who the xmen and avengers have to deal with it too, i'd argue he may be the smartest. didnt he recently conquer the entire universe just for kicks?
Because Hickman said so , reed about to beat God doomWhat Doom did in the original Secret Wars is above the entire Reed Richards existence to I'm not sure where is this mindset that he's above Doom. Doom created a working time machine...
He should of known betterMore manipulate then outsmarted
Where does Forge rank?
You can't get away with this...when Tony and Reed were left looking and without answers, Doom dissected Galactus using a Klaw weapon and conquered the Beyonders They don't have a feat that touches that. They never did. Reed could never figure out how to reverse Grimm's condition or how to cure the Legacy virus either. So he's not the be and end all...if he was so smart, why was he so fukking frustrated during Onslaught after every device he and Tony put together failed over and over again while Doom appeared, built something on the spot, and created the means that started the ending.See to me, Doom's current feat in Secret Wars 2015, "taking over the universe for kicks", felt more circumstantial than him being smarter than Reed and the rest of the Illuminati (T'Challa, Stark, Banner, Hank, etc).
i.e. Molecule Man, this nigh all powerful deux ex machina villain who can alter reality, knew exactly why worlds and universes were being destroyed, and knew who the villains behind it all were (b/c he was created by said villains)... he went to Doom and told him everything. He even told Doom what the short term solution was (kill all the alternate universe Molecule Men, since the MMs were created to be universe-destroying time bombs by the villains) and gave Doom the tool needed to destroy them.
From that point on, Doom gets credit for how he used the provided information to get to where things are now... but point is, he got a lot of that info upfront... whereas Reed, T'Challa, Stark and co were essentially in the dark having to do guess work from scratch.