Come in here and post your ignore list brehs!


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
Man, fukk all that I’m too cool/hard to ignore posters shyt. I was on that wave for like 7 years, but this board has gotten dreadful and there are some LEGITIMATELY terrible ass posters on this site, because this board is essentially unmoderated. As such, there are some posters that are damn near auto ignore status for me. My browsing experience improved exponentially when I ignored that obvious dude who is posing as a woman, and didn’t have to scroll through long ass message, after message about dumb stuff. My damn thumb was getting brolic :stopitslime:. Additionally, if you come into threads talking about the earth is flat, “cac science,” derailing every thread you come into with inane drivel, super jaded and beat down by life, espouse clearly racist/republican ideologies ad nauseum, like to come into threads that are world related and tie it into biblical prophecy — because you think you and all true believers will be lifted into the sky to have a cloud soirée with Jesus soon, obviously a dullard, etc., I’m getting your goofy ass out the paint. I don’t get any cool points in life by not using the ignore functionality.

Besides, what I’ve learned is that most people you interact with regardless of the medium will not be a boon for your intellectual, psychological, or mental well being. Most individuals can be said to have a neutral influence, but there are more people that you interact that are net-negatives than are net-positives. Net-negative? Ignore you must go. Matter fact, there’s a couple posters I’ve been meaning to ignore, but just haven’t gotten to yet. :ohhh:
