That was pretty good. The editing and direction were really on point, they maintained the pace and hit the right beats for the script, which I also thought had great rhythm to the dialogue. All your actors seem really solid as well. The musical cues worked well.
My only criticism was that Evan and Jada, while having good comedy chemistry kinda felt like mouthpieces a little bit as their interactions weren't really grounded in a dramatic situation, and if there's not enough neutral dialogue interspersed with the racial humour then there's a danger of the show having a kind of functional comic strip vibe to the writing with jokes at the expense of character development and world building.
That said, you didn't run into any of that in the lift scene. My favourite bit was when the hispanic girl did the daisy duke impression for the intercom. It seems like you've got a nice mixture of voices/perspectives with the different characters so I'll be interested to see where that goes. Word to the wise tho, you already blew your indians and curry material so you'll need to mix it up with the asian stereotypes from here on.
All in all tho

really good effort that looked and felt professional.
Can I ask what kind of budget you had and how long it's taken you to write and produce?