My Wife just had one on Monday. She said after the procedure she was blowing up our neighbor's car.

I turn 40 next year.
My Wife’s results came back today. Last time they took a few months. This time only a week. No cancer but she does have abnormal cells via HPV.

She’s going to meet a specialist and the specialist will decide if they can catch all the cells with the same colonoscopy procedure or if she should have full blown surgery.

God is good. Her spirit is good. She knows she’s can’t control anything and will take the advice of the doctors.

I’m fasting this Wednesday and praying throughout. I’m in Japan for another 27 days so it sucks not being able to hold her. Physical touch is a major part of a partnership and love.

We are looking to move out here in June but may have to wait until November depending on the scheduling of the procedure, results, and recommendations.
I just want her to be fully healthy and they find everything they can.
Coli Brehs take your health seriously. If you have family history of cancer, don’t. Wait until you are 45. Get it done now.