Coli Wives (Real Housewives of the Coli)

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Me: aight check it fellas. I KNOW y'all just trying to look out for me. But I'm really feeling this woman, in a way I've never felt before. Y'all remember when we used to watch Boomerang all the time and talk about how we were waiting for our Halle Berry? Well she's Halle AND Robin wrapped into one! Now y'all was so happy for @illadope when he got with @Phoenix_Knightly23. Why can't y'all be happy for your brother?

@Illeye buckmatic : @illadope is cooler than the other side of the pillow. If him and Phoenix don't work out he'll be fine. But you one of them poetry writing, soul searching brothers. If she breaks your heart, then your Shakespeare wannabe ass liable to run off to Africa like @Lucky_Lefty or Dave Chappelle. And ain't nobody got the money to be globe trotting trying to bring you home and shyt

@BmoreGorilla :Word:shaq2:

Me: Man that's NOT going to happen. you remember how me and her used to argue all the damn time up in here? We haven't argued not ONCE since we started seeing each other. @Colicat is sharp man. I can learn from her and she can learn from me, isn't that what's it all about?

Illeye: So you think 3 weeks is going out can equate to a lifetime?:mindblown: nikka LISTEN to yourself. You not making sense. Every relationship has its ups and downs, and right now you in the honey moon phase like a muthafukka. Check yourself before you get in too deep and end up regretting it.

Bmore: Word:stopitslime:

Me: nikka would you STOP saying Word:what:

Bmore: Actually, I find that your actions do not line up well with that of a brother exhibiting common sense. We've been telling you since forever to get with @Colicat, so the fact that you finally have isn't the matter at hand. It's the reckless abandon with which you have thrown your heart into the situation and said "to hell with caution" that causes us to advise in taking it slowly. Every man, at least once in his life will act the fool for a woman, the question is and remains, will she act the fool for you when the time comes? I wish you nothing but prosperity as you think these words over, and please make sure to understand that our concern is not that of men envious of another's happiness, but that of brothers not wanting to see one of our own suffer mental or emotional anguish. Good day my friend :salute:

Bmore gets up and walks away, Illeye following behind shaking his head. I am left with a stunned mixture of :ohhh: and :patrice: at his parting words. And even though I am resolute in my feelings, I begin to wonder, do my boys have a point?

Part 6 coming soon....
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May 1, 2012
Me: aight check it fellas. I KNOW y'all just trying to look out for me. But I'm really feeling this woman, in a way I've never felt before. Y'all remember when we used to watch Boomerang all the time and talk about how we were waiting for our Halle Berry? Well she's Halle AND Robin wrapped into one! Now y'all was so happy for @illadope when he got with @Phoenix_Knightly23. Why can't y'all be happy for your brother?

Illeye: @illadope is cooler than the other side of the pillow. If him and Phoenix don't work out he'll be fine. But you one of them poetry writing, soul searching brothers. If she breaks your heart, then your Shakespeare wannabe ass liable to run off to Africa like @Lucky_Lefty or Dave Chappelle. And ain't nobody got the money to be globe trotting trying to bring you home and shyt


Me: Man that's NOT going to happen. you remember how me and her used to argue all the damn time up in here? We haven't argued not ONCE since we started seeing each other. @Colicat is sharp man. I can learn from her and she can learn from me, isn't that what's it all about?

Illeye: So you think 3 weeks is going out can equate to a lifetime?:mindblown: nikka LISTEN to yourself. You not making sense. Every relationship has its ups and downs, and right now you in the honey moon phase like a muthafukka. Check yourself before you get in too deep and end up regretting it.

Bmore: Word:stopitslime:

Me: nikka would you STOP saying Word:what:

Bmore: Actually, I find that your actions do not line up well with that of a brother exhibiting common sense. We've been telling you since forever to get with @Colicat, so the fact that you finally have isn't the matter at hand. It's the reckless abandon with which you have thrown your heart into the situation and said "to hell with caution" that causes us to advise in taking it slowly. Every man, at least once in his life will act the fool for a woman, the question is and remains, will she act the fool for you when the time comes? I wish you nothing but prosperity as you think these words over, and please make sure to understand that our concern is not that of men envious of another's happiness, but that of brothers not wanting to see one of our own suffer mental or emotional anguish. Good day my friend :salute:

Bmore gets up and walks away, Illeye following behind shaking his head. I am left with a stunned mixture of :ohhh: and :patrice: at his parting words. And even though I am resolute in my feelings, I begin to wonder, do my boys have a point?

Part 6 coming soon....


Milk N Cookies

(Self-titled) Queen of the Film Room
Sep 4, 2013
Movies and tv shows
Also, kinda in my feelings nobody wanted to make me their coli husband. It's cool tho

:stopitslime: I can't cause we're business partners. We both write for tv shows(something like tha) check back on page one or two