White boy is temper tantrum ranting ...You making it big time on this site, good looks! You sound like you are making big moves, by posting on this website, it sounds like it means a lot to you, being a member on here, and you definitely brag to people irl about how you slay on here, pretty amazing. You are making big moves in 2020, congrats! Thank you for letting me post on this sub, and those rep points, we are all in awe! Look good in red, too? Like MAGA red? Even better. You aren’t a clown, nope.

Using the passive aggression and sarcasm heavy as fukkkk, huh? Next time you should mind your own business in order to avoid further embarrassing yourself - using the ‘white and you say so routine’ doesn’t apply in black discussions, trying to tell us what to think; where your opinion doesn’t count for shyt.