Bruce lee steered the martial arts action genre from the dancey balletic style of wuxia into the more gritty street fighting style we are all accustomed to today with the big boss. The Chinese connection or fist fury kind of pattened that in what is arguably his most iconic movie. It's been remade multiple times and spawned various spin offs both good and bad (the remake with donnie yen being bad and the sequel with bruce li being surprisingly very good) Some of the action still holds up aside from a few hokey bits here and there (him spinning two dummies around in the dojo) The slow bits can be killer and they try to infuse comedy at weird times during the movie, which I chalk up to lo wei who butted heads with Bruce many times during the making of the movie until they eventually had a falling out. Shytty director aside, bruce still Carrie's the film on his charisma alone.