Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine

Grim WW2 movie about a German deserter who stumbles upon an officer's uniform after escaping death. Donning the uniform, he first uses it as a means to survive in his wartorn homeland claiming to be on a special mission, but as he gathersmore and more soldiers loyal to his authority, that same authority drives his quest for more control and more power. The film has two faces, one a stark portrayal of a young man forced to play a part, every scene a test to the believability of this part, as soldiers, citizens and fellow officers approach him with suspicion, the other a descent into grotesque madness that borders on (and sometimes crosses into) a dark comedy. The most interesting part ends up the first half, the constant tension of the young man testing the waters on how far he can take this role. Once he goes all the way, it seems even director/writer Robert Schwenke doesn't know where to go next.
But for as long as it lasts it's a fascinating film with great performances, especially by leadman Max Hubacher, as well as Frederick Lau (of Victoria fame) who proves once more that he is the German Tom Hardy.