Coli... Come In And Tell Us Why You Hate New York City! *Constantly Updated*


Oct 8, 2014
What id it with nikkas enjoying driving? That shyt is a waste of time and only for , truckers, cabbies, bus drivers and nikkas who ain't got shyt to do or nowhere to be in life. We move cause we have important shyt to do. NYC is a city our state has counties. That's like calling Africa a country. Boroghs were once individual cities that formed like Voltron to make the most important city in the country. You went to one section of one borough in Nyc and now you're some how an expert on spacing in the city. You're a tourist so you do touristy things. Also much like the X-men mutantsie is a function of evolution. You all are behind.

Mind you I like you as a poster but I had to clear those things up.
Another easy analogy for these out-of-towners is the UK. Those five islands and countries make up the United Kingdom. England, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland.


Jun 11, 2012
Nowadays, NYC is trying to be on some Mr. Belvedere shyt when it's a working class city. It's always been a working class city. It just so happen to become extremely popular to the point where they as in the political entities, mayor, real estate agencies, tourist board and etc are trying to attract all these yuppies and uppity ass suburban folks that basically don't want to work or can afford to basically do nada but be on vacation. They wanna turn working class areas into tourist attraction spots and suck out the culture and replace it with the same shyt they fled from the suburbs because thats all they know. Yoga studios, craft beer spots, coffee houses and etc. They want to move to somewhere like new York but can't handle the diversity and the inner city culture. It makes NO sense. Its funny because when someone who resembles the inner city culture even if they arent from there or are from the inner city and brings it to the suburb or the very same places where those very same folks come from, they get the :mjpls:treatment. You know, the cops get called on them, folks houses go up for sale to move to the next suburb, the town gets labeled unsafe even if it's not and etc etc. They pretty much let you know where youre at and how youre gonna behave on their turf. However, the natives know what's up and they keep the spirit of NYC alive. Then again, NYC is probably one of the most racist cities in America and always has been so take it as it is.
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SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
can't knock what u fellaz posted cuz a lot of it is true....except for the females situation cuz ladies is out for money EVERYWHERE u go on this

but degree or no degree we do use our origin as a punctuation on our statements...we put it out to the world like that and the world ate it up....ya'll helped gloss our ego we forever walk around like this...


The ignorant clones ate it up because they couldn't see through the bullshyt.

I never bought the crap because I was always skeptical from the start. It's natural for me. I despise people who use their race, origins, religion, social class, education, family relations and especially religion to make themselves feel bigger than the next.

But either way I was always skeptical because New Yorkers I used to be around got on my nerves from the start. They are all good friends of mine but I , like my father, hate people who complain a lot and if there is one thing New Yorkers who move to other cities do is complain about everything.

Nothing is fair to them. They always have this sense of entitlement because they have been spoiled with being in tenant/consumer/worker/union friendly environments. Plus these clones moved from NY to another city like say Miami and they expect everything in Miami to be the same as New York except add palm trees and warm weather. Look, you cannot leave NY to go to NY. If you were so tough you should have stayed in NY but instead you gotta come down here and kill everyone's buzz with your whining.

But don't mind me... People whining is just a personal pet peeve of mine so maybe I'm making a bigger deal of it than I should.

But I'm sure
@NY's #1 Draft Pick knows exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to NYers that move to South Florida always complaining about everything.

So as you can see them getting in my nerves early they never stood a chance for me to buy into their bullshyt.

Again I love New York (the place) but new yorkers degrade the experience for me
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Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
The ignorant clones ate it up because they couldn't see through the bullshyt.

I never bought the crap because I was always skeptical from the start. It's natural for me. I despise people who use their race, origins, religion, social class, education, family relations and especially religion to make themselves feel bigger than the next.

But either way I was always skeptical because New Yorkers I used to be around got on my nerves from the start. They are all good friends of mine but I , like my father, hate people who complain a lot and if there is one thing New Yorkers who move to other cities do is complain about everything.

Nothing is fair to them. They always have this sense of entitlement because they have been spoiled with being in tenant/consumer/worker/union friendly environments. Plus these clones moved from NY to another city like say Miami and they expect everything in Miami to be the same as New York except add palm trees and warm weather. Look, you can leave NY to go to NY. If you were so tough you should have stayed in NY but instead you gotta come down here and kill everyone s buzz with your whining.

But don't mind me... People whining is just a personal pet peeve of mine so maybe I'm making a bigger deal of it than I should.

But I'm sure
@NY's #1 Draft Pick knows exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to NYers that move to South Florida always complaining about everything
NYer's who move to the south shouldn't complain You can't go from private jet to economy and complain when you decided to do that. That's why I moved back.


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
NYer's who move to the south shouldn't complain You can't go from private jet to economy and complain when you decided to do that. That's why I moved back.
But see here is their problem

They move to the South but they want all the perks of NY and said New place minus the headaches in said new location.

Like they want a big home for less money but they the same bullshyt tenant friendly laws. They want the same public transportation system of NY minus the crowded living spaces of NY. They want the warm South Florida weather and the beaches but at the same time they complain about not having 'seasons'. They yap and yap and yap 24/7.

Again I know people complaining is a major pet peeve of mine so maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion but it seriously annoys the fick out of me being around new yorkers
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Sep 10, 2012

I love my city even though it's expensive as hell. Even if I moved, I wouldn't speak ill of it.

Growing up all my life in NYC, I fukking hate it here....

Overcrowded... waiting in lines everywhere you go, things you want being sold out fast, people living on top of each other

Traffic.... horrible traffic, can't get anywhere at a decent time, buses/trucks taking up all the space on the roads, can't turn on red, pedestrians everywhere, too many traffic rules

Police... cops on every other block, street, corner... racists and there's too many cops and they all need something to do and will find any little thing to pick at you over

Pollution.... we're damn near the only city where trash bags are literally just sitting on the sidewalks on a daily basis... it's disgusting. Makes the streets stink. Adds to the rat/roach infestation.

Masculine women.... most of the feminine women aren't from NYC and just reside there now. These bytches talk and act like nikkas... I don't know about y'all but I like my girls girly

Expensive... can't catch a break with the rent prices, gas prices, bills, etc. You might as well just live with your folks until you can move out of state somewhere cheaper... cuz this shyt will just break your balls and drain you for all you got.

Horrible weather.... although this year has been decent, when winter comes it all turns to shyt. Every day is grey skies, dead trees, windy, and just muggy all around for most of the year. The weather is very bipolar. It can be a warm today, dead cold tomorrow, blizzard day after that, sunny after that, then rainy after that... all within the same week

I literally can keep going...

The NYer who hates NY. What's stopping you from moving?

*pulls out notepad*

- get some land. That chit is a damn archipelago and needs to quit.
And since you have to traverse all that water to get places, all them toll tunnels, upleasant cabs,
and out-of-body experience that is the subway is a necessary evil there

- can't drive anywhere and be there in 10 minutes.
In the rest of the known world, people actually enjoy driving to places. It can even be a leisure activity.
What happens in New York should not be called driving - it she be called Rhythmic Parking.

- Since everything that ever mattered in New York came about before 1980, if you go visit
anywhere that's a "cultural landmark", then it hasn't been updated to scale to fit more than 20 people in it.
Example - I went to the damn Apollo Theater and I SWEAR it looked bigger than that on the TV show,
and that mugg had the nerve to have 1 bathroom! What in the fucc?? Same with Sylvia's. If it's
"world famous" they could act like it and put more than 8 tables in there...

as a tributary issue off that, it seems like nobody thought about how stupid the placement of everything is.
You got streets that just begin out of nowhwere, and the 2 airports in the same burrough and dumb chit like that. the way, why they call them chits "burroughs" instead of "counties" like everybody else?

- The "New Yorker" is a distinct type of mutant person, who is generally not my cup of tea.

We do have counties.:dahell: Brooklyn=Kings County Queens=Queens StatenIsland=Richmond Bronx=Bronx Manhattan=NY

It's not like we are NO with Parrishes.
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SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
@The Hierophant

Like as I type this I'm leaving breakfast with one of the chicks I fukk with from New York who flew in last night

Between last night and right now shes already gotten on my nerves twice about complaining about shyt here in Atlanta not being like NY even tho every 2-3 months she text me about she wants to come to Atlanta

As I was typing my previous post she was bytching about grits here being different than that in NY. I was like "ok just send it back and be done with it" but she had to yap and yap and yap even tho the restaurant staff already told her " yeah just pick something else and we'll comp it" but no... she still wants to yap to prove her point about how different the grits is while people already told her just pick something else if she doesn't like it

Then there was last night. We were out at this reggae joint and then driving home around 2AM. We stopped by this Jamaican spot and she ask for a small jerk chicken and some festivals. The lady is like "that'll be $16.03". I see her reaction and she's about to say something and I just hand over my debit card for the lady to charge it. Homegirl still jumps in front asking the lady why it cost so much because in NY blah blah blah . Me and the lady step away so she can run the Debit card. Homegirl still hasn't let it go and goes to approach the other waitress to complain talking about why it cost so much and that "in NY yadda yadda yadda shyt cost like $5". I come back and said "look this isnt NY. It cost what it cost. You either want it or you don't. "

She was legitimately upset by the cost even though I told her to not worry about it and I got it. Still Even as we drove away with the food she was like "man I don't see what they charged us all this money for blah blah blah. In NY you can get that for $5 at the corner spot..yahda yahda "

It's a good thing I like her and the p*ssy is dope. Else I wouldn't invite her to come to town anymore.
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SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
I Gotta Say All This Internet Talk Of NY Women Talking Like Their Members Of MOP Is WAY fukking Overblown, Geez The Internet Knows How To Take shyt And Run With It lol
Like that chick that was spitting them rhymes in that vid :russ:
There are some of the NY tomboy brawds that are like that but the NY chicks I fukk with are cool feminine type chicks.

As much as I dislike NY dudes for some reason NY chicks and I get along great.
They love me and I love them right back :manny:


90-9-1 Principle
May 10, 2012
The Land of fukkery
I Gotta Say All This Internet Talk Of NY Women Talking Like Their Members Of MOP Is WAY fukking Overblown, Geez The Internet Knows How To Take shyt And Run With It lol

i'm just now noticin all these youtube skits on NY slang and dating a woman from NY...its like they got a slang challenge on us....:heh:


90-9-1 Principle
May 10, 2012
The Land of fukkery
@The Hierophant

Like as I type this I'm leaving breakfast with one of the chicks I fukk with from New York who flew in last night.

Between last night and right now shes already gotten on my nerves twice about complaining about shyt here in Atlanta not being like NY.

As I was typing my previous post she was bytching about grits here being different than that in NY. I was like "ok just send it back and be done with it" but she had to yap and yap and yap even tho the restaurant staff already told her " yeah just pick something else and we'll comp it" but no... she still wants to yap to prove her point about how different the grits is while people already told her just pick something else if she doesn't like it

Then there was last night. We were out at this reggae joint and then driving home around 2AM. We stopped by this Jamaican spot and she ask for a small jerk chicken and some festivals. The lady is like "that'll be $16.03". I see her reaction and she's about to say something and I just hand over my debit card for the lady to charge it. Homegirl still jumps in front asking the lady why it constantly so much because in NY blah blah blah . Me and the lady tep away so she can run the Debit card. Homegirl still hasn't let it go and goes to approach the other waitress to complain talking about why it cost so much and that in NY yadda yadda yadda shyt cost like $5. I come back and said "look this isnt NY. It cost what it cost. You either want it or you don't. "

She was legitimately upset by the cost even though I told her to not worry about it and I got it. Still Even as we drove away with the food she was like "man I don't see what they charged us all this money for blah blah blah. In NY you can get that for $5 at the corner spot..yahda yahda "

It's a good thing I like here and the p*ssy is dope. Else I wouldn't invite her to come to town anymore.


did you show her this thread?...would love to hear what she gotta say about the subject....:mjlol:


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012

did you show her this thread?...would love to hear what she gotta say about the subject....:mjlol:
Ain't trying to piss her off and fukk up my p*ssy plans for the weekend, breh. :ufdup:
Cancelled all my other plans this weekend to wear that ass out all weekend. Ain't trying to ruin it.

The shyt we put up with for p*ssy in this world, breh... Thus why I never judge a man for he does for some p*ssy


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
@The Hierophant

Like as I type this I'm leaving breakfast with one of the chicks I fukk with from New York who flew in last night

Between last night and right now shes already gotten on my nerves twice about complaining about shyt here in Atlanta not being like NY even tho every 2-3 months she text me about she wants to come to Atlanta

As I was typing my previous post she was bytching about grits here being different than that in NY. I was like "ok just send it back and be done with it" but she had to yap and yap and yap even tho the restaurant staff already told her " yeah just pick something else and we'll comp it" but no... she still wants to yap to prove her point about how different the grits is while people already told her just pick something else if she doesn't like it

Then there was last night. We were out at this reggae joint and then driving home around 2AM. We stopped by this Jamaican spot and she ask for a small jerk chicken and some festivals. The lady is like "that'll be $16.03". I see her reaction and she's about to say something and I just hand over my debit card for the lady to charge it. Homegirl still jumps in front asking the lady why it cost so much because in NY blah blah blah . Me and the lady step away so she can run the Debit card. Homegirl still hasn't let it go and goes to approach the other waitress to complain talking about why it cost so much and that "in NY yadda yadda yadda shyt cost like $5". I come back and said "look this isnt NY. It cost what it cost. You either want it or you don't. "

She was legitimately upset by the cost even though I told her to not worry about it and I got it. Still Even as we drove away with the food she was like "man I don't see what they charged us all this money for blah blah blah. In NY you can get that for $5 at the corner spot..yahda yahda "

It's a good thing I like her and the p*ssy is dope. Else I wouldn't invite her to come to town anymore.
She lawst or she couldn't make it out here that's her fault she shouldn't complain.