The Sauce Apostle
So we're told.Because that's what works in local elections most of the time. Maybe the Presidential candidate can be populist. But The 500+ members of Congress don't run National campaigns. Neither do the thousands of locally elected officials.
If you notice, candidates start at either end of the spectrum during the primaries, then move closer to the middle for General Elections. There's a reason for that. Centrists are more electable.
I'm more of the mind that candidates move to the center because of pressure from donors, the media, the establishment, etc. I don't think it makes them more electable to the general public, I think concessions are what is required to receive backing from the establishment. Those might be the same thing to you, but they are very different things to me. I think abandoning your principles in the quest for power makes you less electable in the eyes of the people, actually.