As sloppy as he moved, a man with his intellect had to have some hidden helpers(both domestic and internationally) to get him this far. Wasn't going to be easy to get him out.
The foreshadowing by Pelosi, Comey, Manafort's time and others kinda gave it away but I still feel the actual "report" will differ a good bit from the stories that are gonna be released this week .....In due time ladies and gents. Don Jr will get his from SDNY
makes me wonder about how much dirt each side has on one another but
I bought into some of Nap rhetoric a bit too, so I'll take this L as well
"The US government will
NEVER allow
Its a shame that
@3Rivers classic gifs are now like the Nfl teams that made the superbowl but had to send their championship jerseys to Bangladesh and the Philippines cause they lost