the cac mamba
The 3 Stooges could have ran a more effective campaign that Trump, yet according to the math, he campaigned at damn near close to perfect precision. The circumstances you think just "lined up", didn't without assistance.
i dont think we'll ever know for sure. but it seems to me that the circumstances ofSocial Media swayed people which was Russia's plan. I would say the same thing you did couple years ago but I've never been a member of FB and Twitter etc. Being on it now, I definitely believe the propaganda worked.
-the repub/democrat usually wins after 8 years of the previous president. it's a certainty that the dem will win in 2024, if not 2020
-on top of that, fox news and republicans spent 8 years fostering racial resentment. white america was itching to "get back to normal" after 8 years of obama, and trump was the perfect candidate for them. a racist, ignorant loudmouth who "tells it like it is"
-trump sold himself as an everyman, 'something different', which we all know was bullshyt but he WAS a "non politician" choice. hillary was the exact opposite of that, the definition of establishment. awful choice to run in that climate. people have hated hillary clinton for 30 fukkin years, and i believe she only ran up the popular vote because you have one of two choices and the other was trump. no one actually wanted to vote for her, certainly not people in states like wisconsin that she chose not to campaign in. or maybe russia grounded her planes
as far as im concerned it was the perfect storm of terrible circumstances