That was a bit different. I was pretty clear that WWE just didn’t see Bryan as that dude. We as fans knew he was talented enough to carry the ball, but WWE brass had obviously made up their minds that he had hit his ceiling and wasn’t much more than that.
Cody circumstances aren’t that. They’re very clearly invested in him completely to the point where he’s about to headline back to back manias after back to back rumble wins, and has lost like 2 matches in 3 years. They’ve even telegraphed his future title win by basing the entire emphasis of his WWE existence around that championship
This is mainly just a case of fans no longer wanting to wait, and wanting what they want right now. Like immediately…. With Bryan, there was no wait. We genuinely had no idea if what we wanted was even possible or would ever happen. With Cody, we know it’s coming. We just want it tomorrow. Not later. Lol