It’s ONLY on the internet bruh. Reality is quite different.
Every week that man is getting cheered and his name is being chanted. It’s not getting piped in either. Like you can CLEARLY see it with your own eyes and ears
I’m not really a big Cody fan like that..but the WWE fans love that man. When I see him he has THE LOOK. He really is the personification of a babyface.
For some of y’all to not see it or just choose NOT to see it is wild to me
This isn’t AEW anymore..his character didn’t fit there because he was a glitch in their system. He fits PERFECTION within the WWE formula..
If they don’t have him beat Roman at WM and have us wait till Summerslam I’m gonna be legit annoyed. They can’t prologue this any longer..
Roman HAS to lose at this WM..