CNN panel: Why aren't these bikers called "thugs"?


Aug 16, 2014
Havent watched the vid,will later but fukk it ill say it: the word "thug" is synonymous with black people mainly because of rap. You all know it. "Thug Life" "thug lovin", "" "thug holiday" and a host of many other song and album titles are a regularity in hiphop culture. Damn near every rap song has a "thug" reference. Not only is the reference there, its glorified. Rappers wear the "thug" badge with honor. Right now, one of the hottest rappers with one of the largest platforms to influence goes by the name of "Young Thug". The word "thug" isn't derogatory in rap. Its only derogatory when white people say it. When a white person does something bad and you all refer to him/her as a "thug" i chuckle a bit because i know yall are doing it tongue & cheek. Yall dont really believe it. It doesnt sound right referring to a white person as a "thug". You and i both know it. Be honest. You wont, but be honest. The image of a "thug" has been burned and branded ar that of a young,black male. When you see or hear the word "thug", your mind AUTOMATICALLY conjures up the image of a black male. I know ima get called a "c00n" again for speaking what everyone else is afraid to say, but oh well.:yeshrug: Im not a sheep. If we dont care what white folks think, then it shouldnt matter what they call us right? Im just letting yall know where they get "thug" from specifically. Rap,(which has PURPOSELY been manipulated to create the image of the "thug" as a black male) is the reason. @Cbanks36 @mrken12 @kp404 @Truth200 @Barnett114 @DarianaGrande @philmonroe @HankHill @Emperor_ReinScarf @Taadow @Matt504
@Wild self @No_bammer_weed @ModernFonzie

But what does Trayvon and tamir have to do with that? Every black man or boy whose killings needs to be justified is turned into a hypothetical hip hop thug. That's the issue.

But you make an interesting point about the usage of the work thug in hip hop culture. Anytime someone thinks of a bytch or a ho they think black women.

Thanks guys.


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
The Cac hit the nail on the head more than the black dude. Forget the whole thug thing. Like she said, you never hear the race of white person when they do crimes when most of the mass shootings is committed by white men. :francis: They actually called this shyt a brawl. NINE people dead. :dahell:

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
So they are not calling them thugs because black people(not all) are the only ones who use the word as a term of endearment?
Rappers are using it as a term of endearment but the media is using it as a word to describe vicious behavior.
The logic you're using is like saying because we call each other "nikka" as a term of endearment it is then ok to have whites use it as a derogatory racial slur.

In your opinion what word should be used to describe these white people who comment crimes very similar to what thugs do?
The word "thug" is a badge of honor amongst a particular group of blacks for the code of conduct they have created amongst themselves based on what they do and how they act.
Biker gangs have a very similar code of conduct almost interchangeable with black thugs.
You sell drugs
You look out for each other to the point where you will murder someone and/or go to jail for each other
You NEVER allow a person to disrespect you or what you represent.
There really is nothing Tongue & Cheek about referring to anyone who lives that way as a thug based on their skin color.
If a gang of crips doing a driveby on a gang of bloods is considered thug-like behavior so should the Hell's Angel's murdering a rival bike gang.

If you watched the video you would see that the question isn't "Why aren't white people called thugs?"
The question is "Why aren't white people who commit crimes JUST LIKE THUGS referred to as thugs?"


May 1, 2012
Havent watched the vid,will later but fukk it ill say it: the word "thug" is synonymous with black people mainly because of rap. You all know it. "Thug Life" "thug lovin", "" "thug holiday" and a host of many other song and album titles are a regularity in hiphop culture. Damn near every rap song has a "thug" reference. Not only is the reference there, its glorified. Rappers wear the "thug" badge with honor. Right now, one of the hottest rappers with one of the largest platforms to influence goes by the name of "Young Thug". The word "thug" isn't derogatory in rap. Its only derogatory when white people say it. When a white person does something bad and you all refer to him/her as a "thug" i chuckle a bit because i know yall are doing it tongue & cheek. Yall dont really believe it. It doesnt sound right referring to a white person as a "thug". You and i both know it. Be honest. You wont, but be honest. The image of a "thug" has been burned and branded ar that of a young,black male. When you see or hear the word "thug", your mind AUTOMATICALLY conjures up the image of a black male. I know ima get called a "c00n" again for speaking what everyone else is afraid to say, but oh well.:yeshrug: Im not a sheep. If we dont care what white folks think, then it shouldnt matter what they call us right? Im just letting yall know where they get "thug" from specifically. Rap,(which has PURPOSELY been manipulated to create the image of the "thug" as a black male) is the reason. @Cbanks36 @mrken12 @kp404 @Truth200 @Barnett114 @DarianaGrande @philmonroe @HankHill @Emperor_ReinScarf @Taadow @Matt504
@Wild self @No_bammer_weed @ModernFonzie

Nothing to do with Rap, white criminality has always been glamourized, and romanticize.

We've been getting called thugs way before rap


May 2, 2012
@PhonZhi breh

I'm seriously worried.. Just went through the whole thread and you got sonned in 95% of it

Please accept the challenge that you may be wrong and need to explore the idea that hip hop can't be apart of the problem unless you look at who owns and markets it.. WHO BUYS IT AND GENERATES THE MOST REVENUE FROM IT

you've humiliated yourself throughout this thread.. Take sometime to study