Yo breh, I just realized that you are an A-1 trollnever again will I take the bait
Any body who takes your posts seriously are pretty foolish.

Yo breh, I just realized that you are an A-1 trollnever again will I take the bait
Any body who takes your posts seriously are pretty foolish.
Notice that @Taadow never answered when i asked if he was white
I appreciate the healthy dialogue, thats why i tagged yall. Just know that ima keep the pressure on you all and making ya mad and frustrated.
@Starski Great posts. Key word you used was "reality". Not sure why we keep denying whats right in front of our faces. People the world over equates the word "thug" with a black male because of the hiphop culture. Take a look at @Truth200 last post. Every album title literally has the word "thug" in it. Yes, we were called "thugs" before rap.NOBODY is foolishly saying otherwise, but to say that the word hasn't been branded into our subconcious because of the hiphop culture is EXTREMELY ignorant. Preciate you not letting past disagreements with me cloud your judgement or make you afraid to speak the truth on some "they'll call me a c00n if i agree with phonzi"shyt. Call it how u see it breh
lol, I didn't answer because it was late and I went to sleep after going in circles with you.
I've gone to sleep woke up showered, ate breakfast, sat down on my desk and log in and find you still swangin' on my sack.
Did you eat breakfast yet?
Anyway, i've been posting on SOHH/The Coli for 12 years - people on here have seen me and know i'm Black.
You don't appreciate healthy dialogue, though. It's not "healthy" to speak as you do about Black folk, and hip-hop music
in general (which you supposedly love). And if you wanted "dialogue", you wouldn't post your auto-responses and then turn
around and talk about how you just had to "drop some truth" and then leave threads so quickly.
But you showed your hand (as you always do) here by saying your goal is to make people mad and frustrated...in the same
breath as lamenting the lack of positivity in "the community" and "Black music". Aight.
My fellow afrikan.You've been posting here 12 years so you should be well aware that we are a minority then. We're actually fighting,name calling and disagreeing over a genre of music that has been purposelly manipulated to shackle our minds. We're calling music that promotes our own genocide "entertainment". Just think about that as a black man whose aware of white supremacy. Maybe you dont realize how powerful music is period. And think about why whites buy most rap albums( the defense yall love to use). Do you think if white rappers were talking about killing each other, slangin dope, and promoting their own genocide, that they would buy it and that it would be as entertaining to them? Hell no!!! Not only would they not buy it, it wouldnt be allowed to be made. You think a Jewish rapper would ever get the green light from a major record company if he promoted the destruction of the Jewish community? You cant even fathom it can you. Well breh, it happens regularly in the black community.
Yo breh, I just realized that you are an A-1 trollnever again will I take the bait
Any body who takes your posts seriously are pretty foolish.
Thug Life Volume 1 was one of Tupac's lowest selling projects.
It's naive to think Hip-Hop has no effect on black people's image all over the globe.
It's also naive to think Hip-Hop has no effect on the way black people represent themselves.
Some of y'all are using Pac as an example, but don't even know the history behind his whole "Thug Life" movement. Everything he did, he did it for a reason. If you knew the history, Pac wouldn't even be mentioned in this discussion.
I know he has platinum records. I meant selling like eminem.
The new race track