We've come full circlelets be real though, CM Punk is still a bigger name than all of those guys and they would love to get a payday against him.
I think Punk is gonna get tapped out quick but I respect anyone that is willing to step into the ring or cage to fight. Especially someone like Punk that has a lot to lose by getting his ass whooped.
Tryna see a ppv three way with her Tate and ajPPVbytch
Nick in the wwe....breh, keep him the same character too......ratingsTriple H will sign the 1st guy the drops Punk.
Nick Diaz vs CM Punk
basically.Looks like I stand corrected. Props to Punk, even if he gets smashed you gotta respect him for at least giving it a shot.
That inevitable clash between wrestling neckbeards and basement dwelling, affliction shirt wearing MMA neckbeards is gonna be a sight to behold.