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im pretty sure he's whitenikkas are saying the cop who shot the kid is black. Any confirmation?
im pretty sure he's whitenikkas are saying the cop who shot the kid is black. Any confirmation?
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- A rookie Cleveland police officer shot a 12-year-old boy outside a city recreation center late Saturday afternoon after the boy pulled a BB gun from his waistband, police said.
Police were responding to reports of a male with a gun outside Cudell Recreation Center at Detroit Avenue and West Boulevard about 3:30 p.m., Deputy Chief of Field Operations Ed Tomba said.
A rookie officer and a 10-15 year veteran pulled into the parking lot and saw a few people sitting underneath a pavilion next to the center. The rookie officer saw a black gun sitting on the table, and he saw the boy pick up the gun and put it in his waistband, Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association President Jeffrey Follmer said.
The officer got out of the car and told the boy to put his hands up. The boy reached into his waistband, pulled out the gun and the rookie officer fired two shots, Tomba said.
"When an officer gives a command, we expect it to be followed," Tomba said. "The way it looks like right now, it wasn't followed, but we're going to continue our investigation."
happened out here too. some white guy had his laptop stolen and said that the guy had a gun to make them respond quicker. cops shot the guy and he was unarmed smhIf a cac calls the police and tells them you have a gun that's basically it for you what in the fukk. Walmart and now playgrounds. No fukking warning, just hop out and shoot. This is the most ridiculous bullshyt.
this hit me hardU can not under estimate how final, death is. . We out here giving 35 k making prejudice dyckheads the authority to literally take some one away forever. If we are addressing shyt, the difference between amerikkka and other countries in the role of deadly police force use is staggering
Cause the cop knows if he kills a black kid he will get rewarded. Im sure cacs are already setting up his donation page.Look at the lies in the inital report, just like at the walmart shooting. I bet the officer will be allowed to change his account now that the video evidence shows this to be a outright lie.
Where are the police learning these tactics, you have a report of a male (child) with a gun (which was reported to be fake by the caller) yet you drive up parallel with the suspect knowing he may be armed, why not pull up so that if he is armed you aren't in the direct line of fire? Both cops need to be terminated and the shooter needs to be brought up on charges.
this is exactly what i was thinkingThat cop doesn't have a PA system....