Did you read the article? The boy did have a gun. It wasn't like he refused to put his hands up and was reaching for a cell phone. He was at a rec center with a BB gun. The officer told him to put his hand up. He didn't he reached at his waist wear the gun was. You wishing bad on someone is terrible and it shows you have nothing of value to say. If you want to be naive about the situation that's fine. If you think it's fine for a child to be carrying a weapon than fine.
defend excessive force so hard you dont even stick to your own points brehs
you went from him having a bb gun to police should shoot if they see you have something suspicious to they should shoot if they just think you have a gun
did you stop to think this is a 12 yea old he's never been in this situation, maybe he's just taking the gun out to show to get it away, nah you didnt and neither did the officer
you're also wrong about it isnt protocol to wait for a threat.
"the use of deadly force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort, when all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably be employed"
"an armed man flaunting a firearm in a shopping mall without regard to the safety of those around him, and refusing or being unwilling to negotiate, would warrant usage of deadly force, as a means to protect others."
so no you arent just supposed to shoot if you see a weapon.
obviously there was no problem to the rec center as no one was panicking and it was out on the table
you're the only one being naive here and a complete fukking idiot
so again yes, i hope someone you love is shot for the reasons you pointed out and you get a wake up call
and wtf is this "It wasn't like he refused to put his hands up and was reaching for a cell phone. He was at a rec center with a BB gun. The officer told him to put his hand up. He didn't he reached at his waist wear the gun was." you just completely proved your self wrong with this.