Cleveland Officer KILLS 12 Year Old Black Boy Armed With BB Gun *UPDATE 3* SHOOTING VIDEO RELEASED!!


No Shorts No Malarkey
Jul 22, 2014
Theodore breh and associates
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The Coli's dirty Afro-Mexicano
Sep 8, 2013
California (Live in GA)
No that's not the video of the young black child who got killed in Cleveland recently and I do not think that they released it yet. The video you are talking about is a few months old video just shortly after Mike Brown shooting in Ferguson of a young black man with a mental illness and he was shot by cops on sight.

Again, this has nothing to do with raising a child better. This is planet earth. We have choices to chose from. Your good can and will be somebody else's bad. Just like your bad will always be somebody elses good. It's one in the same.

Although there is a right and a wrong way to do things here.
Thanks breh.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
:mjcry: Seeing that kid's face made it real. R.I.P the young buck. Some how some way this system has to change or crumble all together. Its so fukked up you got folks in here blaming the victim for his own death :why:. Irregardless of your stance on toy guns, what you are doing is absolving the person that pulled the trigger. All of this "if was me I would've blasted too" talk is just conjecture , because most of us haven't been trained to deal with these situations like these, like some other posters pointed out.

I get it, PO's have a famIies they have to get home to. Sometimes it boils down to its "him or me" but this rash of unarmed police killings spells out a different narative of "us vs them". If you havent, watch the video in my last post. That white guy was literally trying to get killed by the cops, waving his gun at cops and children alike but ended up being taken into custody. That privilege is something else. Meanwhile we get popped for having toys, hair brushes and sammiches. That kid's not at fault, I heard he may have had mental issues (unconfirmed ), but a system and it's cogs are at fault for its shoot 1st attitude towards black people.
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I gave her D she got mad
Jul 9, 2014
The cop thought it was a real gun. It looked like a real gun. And a BB gun has the word GUN in it. So what's the issue? The child should not have had it. Now he lost his life which is terribly sad. White people aren't gonna give U a chance to prove you aren't doing something wrong. This is why it's so foolish in the first place to let a child have a weapon like object and one that looked real. What is a parent promoting when they give a child a BB gun? Why let them play with an object like that? BB guns have been known to cause serious damage. And why was it at the rec center? U guys have to realize that these cops will shoot you if you reach for something when they instruct you to put your hands up.
First of all bb guns are in no way illegal or immoral. Regular guns aren't considered illegal or immoral. So there should be nothing wrong with a kid owning a bb gun. Especially in a state like ohio where they be hunting and farming and shyt anyway. Not like he was posted on the block in ny waving around a bb pistol.

Second of all it was a kid vs two trained police officers. One a veteran. I as a grown man know that if the cops tell me to freeze and i so much as turn towards them i'm gonna get smoked. You can't expect a 12 year old kid to realize that. At 13 years old I didn't even realize that and i wasn't exactly a late bloomer when it came to dealing with police.

Cops are supposed to be proffessionals. What kinda professional walks up and immediately shoots a kid? First of all they could have approached him in a different way in the first place. Had it been some little white kid with a real pistol they woulda ran up guns drawn? No. They woulda staged a "tactical takedown".

You think if this had been a white neighborhood they woulda walked up a fukking community center and shot into a group of kids? No they woulda had to stage a tactical take down. But cuz there skin was the wrong color the cops gave no fukks. They came to the scene ready to kill something. And its that simple.

And again this kid was 12 years old. IF the story went down how they say it went down? He was obviously scared. He was obviously not some kind of hardened criminal.

He had the gun sitting on the table. Cops pulled up. He snatched the gun up and put it in his waistband cuz he was SCARED. Any real criminal would never do some shyt like that right in front of police. Cops hopped out the car most likely barking orders at him from several feet away with their guns drawn. He probably thought they wanted him to drop the gun so he tried to comply. Now hes dead.

Those cops and there laws are scum. And btw fukk A COPS life. As a cop YOU make the decision to "risk your life" protecting the community. So stop acting like little pussies and go fukking RISK IT. If you can't even wait to see if someones gonna raise a gun before you start shooting then maybe you shouldn't be a cop. If you're an antsy little bytch boy then maybe you shouldn't be a cop. I know 4 year olds with more balls then these evil fukks.