Luxury Tax
Middleman Money
Remembers Mr. Cochran Reparations Assessment Group, then they took the GOAT out
Are you hipped to N'Cobra? If interested, check out their site Donate or become a member
The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) is the premiere mass-based coalition of organizations and individuals organized for the sole purpose of obtaining reparations for African descendants in the United States.
N’COBRA’s founding meeting, September 26, 1987, was convened for the purpose of broadening the base of support for the long-standing reparations movement. N’COBRA has individual members, national and local organizational members and organizational affiliates. N’COBRA has chapters, members, affiliates, and supporters throughout the U. S. and in Africa, Europe, Central and South America and the Caribbean. N’COBRA is directed nationally by a board of directors. N’COBRA’s campaigns and work is organized through nine national commissions: Economic Development, Human Resources, Legal Strategies, Legislation, Information and Media, Membership and Organizational Development, International Affairs, Youth and Education and seven standing committees: Nomination , Executive, Conference, Fund Development, ASHE, National office and National Campaign(s). N’COBRA holds an annual national membership meeting and conference, usually held the fourth weekend in June, to conduct the business of the Coalition as well as to evaluate and introduce new campaigns and strategies.