Finally saw this. I appreciate these type of movies getting made in today's Hollywood landscape. It was a good watch and as an outsider (from South America) it was cool to see a typical civil war scenario being presented in current day U.S.A.
But I wouldn't call this a great film either. There's some themes that are really well done, but there's a lot of stuff that felt half baked. And I'm not talking about the politics side of the film either, I honestly didn't mind the fact we weren't really explained much about that.
Moura's and Dunst characters were all over the place. Specially Moura, who understandably lost his shyt after Meth Damon killed two colleagues, almost murdered him as well AND then lost both Sammy and -he thought at the time- the exclusive story they made the trip for in the first place. And then Lee gets shot and he's like "who cares, the President is over there". I feel like the movie told me Moura wouldn't have reacted that way after everything he went through in this journey. And the point of that scene being how war fukks people up didn't add up to what seemed to be his arc. On the other hand, I did believe Jessie's character would've done and reacted the way she did, even if the transformation was very quick.
Lee finally breaking down mentally, but getting her shyt together to miraculously figure out the President was in the White House and then get shot was also very weird. Like, it was as simple as her continuing to be mentally broken -her scene in the shower and some of dialogue tells us she's more than fed up with this bullshyt-, the military saying the President was still inside and Jessie dragging Lee to the WH. What happened after could've went a number of different ways (Lee snaps out of it to save Jessie or Jessie gets shot/killed for being reckless as Lee anticipated earlier in the film, just to name a couple of scenarios).