Cities You Been to That Felt "Weird"


Tell me moar
May 1, 2012
A few Floors Down from the Daily Grind
Biddeford, Maine..shyt felt like Get Out esp when i went into the Walmart there
All of Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire are still over 90% Caucasian so if your not white, I’d expect you to feel ‘ weird’ up this way.

But if you want a real mind trip next time you happen to be in Maine, you need to go to Lewiston/Auburn.

Maine started a very friendly immigration program for Africans from Somalia, Congo, Angola and others and now like between Lewiston/Auburn and Portland there’s like 10k+ Africans in white ass Maine. It’s trippy as fukk. Imagine a Norman Rockwell painting with African stores.

Portland, Maine, turns ‘crisis’ to ‘opportunity’ for African migrants

History of the Somalis in Maine - Wikipedia
Feb 5, 2016
Every city in miss or alabama

Get heavy:mjpls:

Looks from cacs.

Roseville and citrus heights in Sacramento county heavy:mjpls:

Slidell lou felt weird.

Tallahassee Florida to
  • Dap
Reactions: Meh


Jul 25, 2018
Honolulu Hawaii... i lived there, barely any black people but enough if you knew where to go. City is small af though. Never met so many asians in my life which isn’t a bad thing, i just never lived anywhere like it. It can be cool but it can also be trash. Cost of living is insane. Can’t travel anywhere in under 5 hours, traffic, military crabs/cacs everywhere, tourists everywhere. It can be cool but it takes a lot of getting used to. Locals are hit or miss

I been to Honolulu also, and Maui.

Maui was the shyt. fukking beautiful little slice of paradise. Type of place I can see myself coming to once a year in old age. Love it.

Honolulu was just :scust::scust::scust:

Bland over-priced Asian food and American fast food.:scust:

Some hipster cac told me "Poke" and some Hawaiian burger with eggs and shyt on it was the signature food of the city. It taste like shyt. :scust:

Bland clubs filled with up to 6 white college kids and Asians :scust:

Dirty ass beaches :scust:

Like a fake ass Miami beach with nothing to do by midnight. :scust:

We would go to Chinatown (ironic in a place that's already 90% Asian), which was like fukkin Skidrow with strung out meth heads laying around everywhere. It really look like the type of place you can get stabbed and fukked up on the wrong corner at night. You had to watch your back. In fact we were warned to never go around there at night.

But we went cus it at least had some genuine bars and clubs where the young locals and misfits would go. I saw some live music in one. A pretty good techno DJ set at some other spot. And kicked it with the only black dude I could find working in the oldest WWII bar in Hawaii.

Homeboy was from Oakland and passed me a bud and mad shots on the house that night. Shout out to ya boy. We rocked out on his Spotify and played old school jams while drunks came in and out.

Good times.

Ricky Fontaine

Nov 18, 2016

I'm from a big city so I'm used to at least a little diversity. Every black person was either hood/country af (big tees, wife beater, forces) or white washed (hanging around a whole bunch country cacs).

I'm at the hood spot getting :mjpls:from white folks and black folks.

shyt legitimately had me throwed lol.

7th Letter Specialist

..I need you like Jaws need a raincoat.
Nov 21, 2017
Oakland, CA
Los Angeles. It feels like an alternate version of California. Weird. Love it out there, but it has this, like. I can't put my finger on it.

Like...if California was a movie, LA would be the big budget box office smash version w/ all the best actors, effects etc. won Oscars and all that. And out here, it's the Independent film w/ the cult following that gets lowkey referenced or imitated over hella mediums, that won a bunch of indie awards, and got a limited showing in some areas. No offense :hubie: And yea. The bolded. I'm biased


The Sensational Prince
May 10, 2012
The Palace of Eternal Sun
What cities you been to that felt weird, odd, or strange to you. Not for any direct reason, but just the atmosphere of the city or it's people.

If you see your city feel free to comment!

Washington DC
Went with my wifey for a short stay while on a road trip to a friend's baby shower in Charlotte, NC. I'm drivin up to a perfect view of Capitol Hill at night thinkin, good ole Chocolate City! This is gonna be the bomb!

Saw all the tourist sites during the day. Loved it. But the night before the wifey and I lit up a thick one and went out to check out what was nearby.

To begin with, people in DC--or at least this area, we stayed at the W hotel--seem..."reserved." I felt like I was surrounded by robots. Like people just walk or sit about keep completely to themselves, ignoring their surrounding. Also it was around midnight or so, in a hotel/bar district, and the streets were dark and almost empty. Strange.

We hear some Hip Hop playing outside this one spot and decide to go check it out. The music is all old school Hip Hop and club-R&B...not bad...but they all sound like cheesy knock offs. Maybe it was really obscure old school stuff. It could have been royalty free Soundcloud tracks for all I know. but we didn't hear anything we knew. Just some random late 90s/early 2000s sounding Hip Hop.

Everyone was wearing suits and ties. Maybe it was an after work spot. So we felt kinda weird walking up in there with shirts, jeans and kicks thinking we found black folks spot. Mostly young white, Indians and Asians.

But the most bizarre shyt was their dancing. Instead of some two steppin, rockin, bumpin and grinding going on the motherfukkers are bouncing around like ball room dancers to what sounds like a bad Ginuwine knock off. :gucci:This is strange even by white college bar standards. Again, like we were surrounded by robots.

Overall, even by day, going to restaurants or shopping around and stuff, DC people just seem really "off" and reserved.

We got the hell on with our road trip the next night. Arrived in Charolette, enjoyed the day life and went to this packed strip joint/party wit all black folks and a DJ/MC. The jams was on deck from Nas to Future. Felt right at home :ahh:

Dallas, Texas
This one actually had kind of a bad back story. One of my more simp moments of the past. Skipped class to drive from NYC all the way to this city (20 fukking hours) for this older lady I was fukkin at the time. She claimed she desperately needed to see her family for a personal reason but had no car, couldnt afford a flight, none of her broke friends had a car, and I was the only one who could come to the rescue before it was too late. p*ssy was good tho.

To start, I did not see big downtown Dallas while I was there. It felt weird being in a city where people don' know....go outside. Everyone drives from place to place, and if you're walking you look like a psycho. Just weird to me, as a East Coast dude. No corner stores, no bodegas, No noise. Drive-in everything. Every place you need to get to is in a mall or plaza. Just a weird city to me. I can see myself retiring away here, but man, not for me at this point in my life.

With that said, as a foodie, the restaurant game in Dallas was glorious! Maaaan, the food, atmosphere, service, vibe. Dallas knows how to eat. I'd go back just for food (and see downtown) alone.

DC and Dallas fam, where did I go wrong?

As far as DC is concerned..... you probaly just don't fit in.

Possibly you are a little regular and maybe "down home folks" and "country cousin"(nothing wrong with that) and.... you don't fit in here.


King Poetic

Soul Rebel
Feb 15, 2013
125th to Africa
Cleveland :picard:

Just awkward feeling .....

If it wasn't for me having family there i would never visit there

My family as well

I been to a lot of places, but the city is depressing, downtown is worthless and every chick I run into got kids

I was like only thing going on in Cleveland is fukking with all these chicks with kids

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
As far as DC is concerned..... you probaly just don't fit in.

Possibly you are a little regular and maybe "down home folks" and "country cousin"(nothing wrong with that) and.... you don't fit in here.

He just didn’t go to where the bars and clubs are at :mjlol: he ain’t go to H Street, U or Adams Morgan. Probably was downtown somewhere close to where the monuments at, thinking he was in the lit spots.


Jul 1, 2012
Rehoboth, Ma. I was driving through there and they had a big rally or festival with a bunch of huge conferderate flags flying. This was back in 2012. shyt was eery as hell.

There’s a small town in Texas I passed through but can’t remember the name. The downtown or main st. had a worn down pharmacy and a gas station. That was it smh. I went into the gas clerk to get gas and everybody was screwfacing me, I grilled all of them back. I tossed the money on the counter and walked out. That day I was strapped and ready but I was definitely in danger.